Chapter 40

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"Pass the Reese's"

I look down at the blankets, searching out the small orange packet in the sea of snacks I'm lying in.

"God were pigs" I reply, finding the Reese's and tossing it to Marley while stuffing a marshmallow in my mouth. I don't even like marshmallows.

"We are women suffering. We deserve this" Marley says with a sigh. "Or rather I'm suffering, so maybe just you're the pig."

I throw the empty popcorn bowl at her, "Rude! I'm being supportive here."

Marley and I have been lying in her bed watching romcoms all day. The junk food is courtesy of Marleys visit from Aunt Flo.

"Thank you for your support" Marley laughs in reply, "even if you did eat all the popcorn.

My phone dings from the bed side table and I reach over to unlock it.

"Can he not go a couple hours without you?" Marley asks in false annoyance. She flings an arm over her eyes "and to think this relationship was all my doing. What was I thinking?"

"It wasn't all your doing" I reply with an eye roll. Nick and I were inevitable, thank you very much. I look down at the text from Nick.

Nick: I miss you. Stay with me again tonight?

"I'm kidding babe" Marley replies. "I'm really happy for you." She turns on her side, popping her chin in her hand looking at me. "That boy livened you right up. You've showed more emotion since he came back than you have all the years I've known you combined."

I feel my cheeks heat. "Yeah.. Well, I'm just happy, I guess."

"Cheers to that" Marley replies, tossing me one of her chocolate peanut butter cups.

I pop the candy in my mouth while I reply to Nick.

Mia: I miss you too. I promised Marley I'd stay with her tonight though, sorry!

I've stayed with Nick every night this week. With our school and work schedules we don't get a lot of time alone, but we've ended each day curled up in bed together. Just sleeping. I haven't heard from Marilee yet, but honestly she probably hasn't noticed I haven't came home. We aren't ones to spend much quality time together.

Nick: ok, have fun. See you tomorrow babe.

I smile at the nickname before setting my phone back on the table and turning back to Marley. "What should we do this weekend?"

My 18th birthday is Saturday, and knowing Marley, she probably already has something planned. Ever since that first year of our friendship when she showed up to my house on my birthday only to realize there was no party happening, Marley has taken it upon herself to plan something every year thereafter.

"Nuh uh" Marley waves her chocolate at me. "It's a surprise. Nick and I have got it all planned out."

I narrow my eyes at her "nothing big. Please."

"Of course not" Marley says with false sweetness. "But, we should head to your place in the morning to pack"

"To pack?"

"No questions!"


Way too early on Saturday morning I grumpily unlock the door to my condo. Luckily Marley woke me with coffee and a banana muffin or there's no way she would have gotten me out of bed at 6 am on a Saturday.

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