Chapter 30

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The next few weeks between thanksgiving and Christmas went by quickly as things seemed to settle back into a normal routine. Nick was friendly, but distant- chatting or saying hi occasionally between classes had become our norm, but I hadn't seen him outside of school again. Soon finals we're over and we were out of school for Christmas break.

"Mia" Marley snapped her fingers in front of my face. "You're not paying attention! What are you thinking so intently about?"

Finishing up some last minute Christmas shopping at the mall, Marley and I had stopped in front of a hair accessory kiosk that Marley said was calling her name. I had wandered over to the hallmark store window while she browsed and was staring at the ornaments.

"Oh sorry, Marley. I just thought of one last thing I need to get. Be right back" I shuffled into the store and went to the ornament display by the window. Seeing what I wanted I grabbed it and hurried to the check out line.

Marley sidles up to me as I'm paying "uh.. who is that for?"

"Nick" I say, sheepishly.

"Hmm. Ok, is that some sort of inside joke or something?" Marley asks, eyeing the StarWars ornament.

When we were 10 Nick began a serious obsession with Star Wars. After watching The Empire Strikes Back for the first time he insisted that we make our own movie reenactment. So, using an old vhs recorder we made our first and only film debut, taking turns with the various roles. When it came time for Luke Skywalker and Princess Leias kiss scene, we handled it like the serious actors we were, and just went for it. My first kiss. Of course we both acted like it was no big deal. Pfft, it's just acting.

The next day we watched Jedi Returns, where we found out Princess Leia was Luke's sister. Nick was not pleased.. but me? I thought it was the funniest thing I had heard in my whole life.

"Something like that" I reply, shaking away the memory. I thank the cashier and grab my shopping bags. "Want to share a pretzel?"

It's Christmas Eve and Marilee and I have just arrived at Desert Oasis Southern Baptist church for their candle light service. We're both dressed our best with our hair, nails, and makeup done up to perfection as per Marilee's demand. We walk to our usual pew in the front by the stained glass windows with Marilee stopping every few feet to greet our friends and neighbors as I smile politely. After sitting down and pulling out my bible, I look up to see the Vaughn family approaching. "Mia, Marilee, you're both looking lovely" Mr Vaughn says with a handshake for both of us while Mrs. Vaughn air kisses our cheeks. The family slides into our pew with Cole sitting beside me with a sheepish smile.

"Hey Mia" Cole says with a nudge to my shoulder. "Hey back" I say with a small smile. "Still haven't told your parents huh?"

Cole rubs his hand over the back of his neck. "Not exactly. I told them were having some problems." I give him a look and he adds "I'm working up to it!" I shake my head and chuckle. Something about Cole makes him impossible for me to stay mad at.

"What about you? Have you told Marilee?"

"Yep" I shrug "but she didn't believe me. Or refused to believe me."

Cole smothers a laugh with his hand "Ah man, Mia. Maybe that's a sign, maybe-" he's cut off when the organ music starts playing. Saved by the music, I muse.

When service is over we say our goodbyes to the Vaughns and head home. As soon as we arrive Marilee goes straight to her room, claiming exhaustion, and shuts the door. I sit down at the dining room table, fiddling with my phone. Church is our only Christmas Eve tradition, and I'm feeling a little restless, and also to be honest, a little lonely. I scroll through my contacts over Marleys name. I consider calling her but I know she's probably busy with her family. I look at Nicks contact next, my finger hovering over his name. I close my eyes and press dial.

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