Chapter 46

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The next couple months pass quickly and blissfully as we finish out the school year and I apply for colleges and study for finals. I spend most nights with Nick, avoiding Marilee and our condo as much as possible. She sends me a few texts asking to talk, but I haven't found myself ready for that yet.

One afternoon Nick and I are stumbling through his apartment door, laughing, when we spot April sitting at the table, a serious expression on her face.

"Nick" she says, meeting his eyes and gesturing for him to sit beside her.

"Um, ill uh, let you guys talk? I'll put a movie on in your room Nick" I say, feeling awkward at the sudden change of mood.

"No, Mia. I think you should be here to see this too" April says.

I swallow, feeling nervous for a reason that I can't explain. I sit down beside Nick and meet his eyes. He just shrugs in response. He doesn't seem to have any idea what's going on here either.

"You received a package today" April says to Nick, pulling out a large white envelope. One of those kinds that holds legal documents.

She hands it to Nick with a sheepish smile "I may have accidentally opened it"

"Accidentally?" Nick deadpans, taking the package from her hands.

"Well" she shrugs "it may have been too exciting to resist. It was Hollys idea"

I snort out a laugh. Sure, blame the four year old.

Nick smiles as he opens it up, pulling out the first page in what appears to be several documents. I try to discreetly read over his shoulder but I can't see anything. Damn broad shoulders. Even if they are exceedingly sexy, they're a hinderance to my snooping right now.

"Shit" Nick mumbles under his breath and I stiffen, suddenly feeling nervous.

"No fucking way" he says as he turns to the second page.

My eyes widen and I look at April who just smirks at me in return.

Nick stands abruptly, pacing back and forth across the livingroom as he flips through the remaining papers. April just sits there beside me, smiling like a fool.

"Care to clue me in on what's going on here?" I ask them both.

Nick stops in his tracks, looking up at me.
"Come on" he says, turning and heading towards his room. I stand and trail behind him, as confused as ever.

When I reach Nick's room he's sitting down at his desk, his papers strewn out in front of him and his face in his hands. A lump forms in my throat to see him this way. What could it possibly be?

"Nick?" I say, coming to stand behind him and placing my hands on his shoulders. "What is it? Is it good or bad? By April's expression I would say good but by yours I'm really not sure"

Nick looks up and turns in his chair, grasping my hand in his.

"It's.. good"

"Okaaay. That sounds a little unconvincing?"

He shakes his head, clearing his thoughts. "No, it's good. Really good." He picks up the first paper and hands it to me. "I'm just.. a little shocked, I guess."

My eyes travel across the words on the page and I gasp.

"Holy crap Nick! You got into the engineering program. This is great!"

"That's not all" Nick says, handing me the second page. "Arizona state has offered me a full ride scholarship."

"This is incredible" I gush, reading over the scholarship details. "Nick you won't have to pay for a thing. Tuition, fees, books, even a stipend for living expenses!"

Nick nods, "that will pay for my rent someplace. But I'll still need to work a few hours for food, gas, stuff like that."

I grin at him and he smiles back, his whole face lighting up.

"I'm so proud of you"

Nick rolls his eyes playfully and I smack his arm "I'm serious! This is so impressive Nick. Look at what you've done with your life. What you're going to do. You're amazing."

"There's a lot of details to work out. Things to decide" he says, looking up at me.

"To decide? Like what?" I meet his eyes and Nick holds my stare, the smile slipping from his face and replaced with a more pensive look.

"You" he says, and I freeze.

"Me?" I stammer, I'm only 3 hours away, the drive will suck but it's not that bad. We can take turns visiting on the weekends."

"No, that won't work" Nick says and it's like a bucket of ice water has been thrown over me.

"You mean you wouldn't want to try?" I manage to ask quietly, looking down at the floor.

"No, Mia" he says as he stands and takes a step towards me, grasping my chin in his hand. He gently
lifts my face up to look at him and I'm surprised to see he's smiling.

"You'll come with me"

"What?" I reply, dumbstruck. He just looks back at me, still smiling.

"I.. why? what would I do?"

"You could go to school too, you want to right?"

"But I don't have any money. Or a job there."

"You can get a job. And you can stay with me."

"I won't let you pay my way" I say, shaking my head.

"Mia, that paper in your hands right there says my rent will be paid by the university. It would be a free place for us to live."

"But" I start, and Nick places a finger against my lips. "They have a social work program. I looked it up when you mentioned being interested in that."

I had mentioned that. I've been thinking of pursuing a social work degree. Something I can use to help
kids who are in hopeless situations like we once were.

"But" I start again, but don't continue, not really knowing what argument I should have here.

"I know you want to do things on your own terms, Mia. I'm not like Cole, I don't want to shut you in my dorm and leave you there to play with when I come home. I want to support you. Be beside you as you chase your own dreams. I don't want to choose them for you but I want to be there cheering for you as you crush them."

He takes my hands in his, "let me do that, Mia. I told you forever and I meant it. Live with me and let's work together towards our dreams. Towards a future our parents could never even dream of. One we use to never even dream of. Let's do it, together."

I'm speechless for a long moment. Nick has basically taken all my arguments and turned them around on me. Eventually I just nod my head, not able to get the words out yet.

"Yes?" Nick says, his eyes brightening.

I just nod again.

"Yes!" Nick picks me up and twirls me around before crushing my body to his. "Say it!" He demands before setting me back down on my feet.

"Yes!" I squeal, laughing as he tickles my sides.

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