Chapter 32

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Feeling restless, I pull on a chunky sweater and a pair of jeans preparing to get out of here. After leaving Marilee's Christmas present outside her bedroom door, I had spent the last few hours watching a Christmas movie marathon curled up on the couch. But for some reason I just couldn't relax, couldn't focus. Now I don't know for sure where I'm going, but I need to get out of this house.

I start walk towards downtown and eventually begin wondering what it is I'm looking for. I feel anxious, but I have no clue as to why. Eventually I spot my favorite coffee place, lit up with tiny colorful Christmas lights and decide it's as good of a spot as any to kill some time at. The place is mostly empty, it is Christmas Day, I suppose most people are home with their families.

Im heading towards the counter when I spot a familiar shade of pink and stop short. April turns around, a cardboard carrier full of coffees in her hands. "Mia" she says. "Long time no see." I can feel myself blushing, I did wake up with her brother this morning- who knows what she thinks of me now. Doing my best to push away the embarrassment I casually say "Hey April."

April tips the coffee tray towards me,"We were in desperate need of some more caffeine if we're going to make it to Christmas Dinner. Holly is on the biggest sugar rush. Kids on Christmas are exhausting."

I chuckle "I bet. It's a good thing she's so cute"

April laughs "That she is." She takes a second look at me. "What about you Mia? What are you doing here?"

"Oh I don't know. I was just out for a walk and decided to stop for a drink"

April purses her lips "Do you have dinner plans?"

"No..we usually just do Christmas morning at my house."

"Well why don't you join us?" She says with a grin.

As a kid I use to find April intimidating. Bigger, older, smarter, and not to mention her tie to Nick made me a little bit jealous. But I have to admit now she seems like a pretty cool person.

"Oh thank you" I say. "I really don't want to intrude though"

"You're not intruding Mia. You're probably just as much family to Nick as I am." She smiles "plus, I could use some help carrying all these coffees."

I'm not sure if it's the smartest decision, but I really want to say yes. So I do. I smile back and grab a couple of her cups "OK. Thank you, that sounds nice. But.. would you mind stopping at my house first so I can grab something?"

"Sure thing. Let's go."

A wave of anxiousness hits me as April opens the door to her apartment. Will Nick be happy to see me? Annoyed? Am I intruding on his private space?

Holly comes rushing up with a candy cane hanging from her mouth "Mia! Come see my new toys!"

"Don't run with food in your mouth!" April hollers from behind me. Holly rolls her eyes and I chuckle. For a four year old she is sure full of sass. Holly grabs my hand and leads me to the livingroom, chattering about all the presents she opened this morning.

I'm sitting crossed legged on the floor playing barbies when Nick comes out of his room. "Where's that coffee" he says before glancing down at me "Mia? Hey"

April walks over and hands him a cup "I found coffee and a lonely girl at the shop, so I brought you home both."

I blush and advert my eyes. Lonely girl. I guess she's not wrong. Feeling a little embarrassed I keep my gaze lowered as I continue to brush my barbies hair.

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