Chapter 31

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"Santa came!" My eyes snap open to the sound of a child cheering. I blink, taking a moment to remember where I am. I glance around the dark room. I'm on Nicks bed. Were lying together on top of the covers and Nicks arm is wrapped around me snuggly with his face in my hair.

"Uncle Nicky!" Holly comes bounding into the room and jumps on top of us. "Uhff" Nick groans opening his eyes. He glances at Holly and then at me, his eyes widening. "Santa came uncle Nicky! You gotta come see!"

"Ok kid. I'll be right there. Give me a minute, okay?"

"Kay!" She jumps up and bounds out of the room as quickly as she came.

I reach over and grab my phone. 5:32 am, no wonder it's still dark in this room. I glance over at Nick who is standing in front of his closet grabbing a clean shirt. He pulls his shirt off and I take a sharp intake of breath. His back and shoulders are muscular and defined but that's not what makes me freeze. No, what takes the air right out of my chest are the scars.

Nick quickly pulls a shirt on and turns back to me. His closed off expression tells me he doesn't want me to ask, so I divert my gaze. "I better go" I say. "I didn't mean to fall asleep, and I need to get Marilee's car back home before she notices."

"Yeah" he sighs. "I guess we were both tired"

I stand up and grab my shoes and keys. We walk out of his room together and are met by April and Holly in the living room. April is sipping coffee wearing a pink robe the same shade as her hair. She tips her cup at us and says "why do kids insist on waking up with the sun on Christmas?"

I chuckle and give a small wave "I've got to get going. Merry Christmas guys"

Holly comes bounding over to me and wraps her arms around my leg "Don't go! We gotta open pwesents!"

"Sorry kiddo" I say patting her head "I've got to go see my own mama"

She sticks her lip out "Will you come back?" I look over at Nick and he shrugs with a smile. "Sure thing, little one, if you're uncle Nick wants me to."
Holly jumps up and down "He does! He does!"

I smile as Holly bounds over to the presents under the tree with April in tow. Nick opens the door for me and leans against the door jam. "Thanks for coming" he says. I feel my cheeks warm "sorry about my uninvited sleepover." Nick smirks, his own cheeks brightening just a little bit. "No problem" he says "so I'll uh, see you later?"

I nod, "Yeah, see you." I walk to the car with a huge smile on my face.


I get home in time to shower and dress before Marilee is awake. I'm sitting on the couch sipping a coffee when she comes out of her room, looking as fresh faced as ever. Marilee never does anything without her hair done and a full face of makeup, even when we're just spending the day at home. She smiles at me "Merry Christmas, honey!" I smile back, "Merry Christmas."

She shuffles into the kitchen pouring her own cup of coffee. She comes back a couple minutes later with a plate of danishes. "I got us some Christmas treats" she grins. "Thanks" I reply, taking a bite of the store bought croissant and thinking about April's homemade pie. I'm sad I didn't get more than a couple bites. "So" Marilee says, "would you like to open a present?" She grabs a box and hands it to me before I can reply. I open the box and smile "thank you"

I pull out a nude mini dress with a cut out back. "I figured your tan skin  would look great in that on Coles boat for his birthday" she says with a grin. I sigh, here we go.

"I love the dress and I'm sure I'll find somewhere great to wear it. But Marilee, I told you, Cole and I aren't together." I figure it's Christmas, she can't get too angry on today of all days, right?

Marilee's smile drops "Did you end it or him?"


She nods, "Good."

"Good?" I ask, confused. This wasn't the reaction I expected.

Marilee waves her hand in the air. "This is obviously just a phase you're going through. You want to be independent. I suppose that's normal at your age.. Cole loves you and will want you back." She stands up and grabs her coffee "Don't take too long though, Mia. I'm warning you- boys like him don't wait around for long."

I stare after her and she walks back to her room and closes the door. I guess Christmas is over.

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