Chapter 22

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Nick pulls out of the school parking lot and onto the main road towards my house. His passenger window is still stuck in the down position and my hair flies into my face, getting stuck in my mouth. I quickly gather it up and plait it into a long braid down my back. Nick chuckles and I glance over to see him smiling to himself. "What's funny? I ask. Nick continues smiling and says "Nothing, just a memory." I nod my head, letting it go, when he adds "I like your hair like that."

"Oh, um, thanks" I say feeling flustered. "I like yours too. I mean your hair, it's um, grown out." Nick chuckles again softly and says "Thanks."

Why do I feel so awkward right now!?

Scrambling for something better to talk about, I state the obvious, "So you're going to the party tonight then?"

The truck slows to a stop and I realize we're outside my house already.

Damn living so close to school. I need more time!

"I think I have to go. You're friend Marley might kill me if I don't show." Nick says with a false grimace. I laugh at that, "Yeah that sounds like her."

Nick turns to face me while I pick my bag up from the floor board. "So, would you like to ride with me tonight? I can pick you up on my way, around 8ish?"

"Really?" I squeak. "Yeah, sure, that would be great actually." Nick smiles and reaches across me. I stiffen as he opens the door for me from the inside. I can't help but notice how good he smells too. "I'll see you tonight, Mia" he says as he draws back. "Mmhmm" I say in a daze as I climb out. I walk to my front door and turn to see Nick wave and drive off. I shake my head and think that boy is giving me whiplash, as I unlock the door and slip inside.

"Who was that?" Marilee says from inside at the kitchen table where she has a view out the front window. "Huh?" I say stupidly, still in daze from my interaction with Nick and now surprised by Marilee's presence. I've been avoiding her so effectively that I'm shocked to see her right now.

"Who was the boy in the truck?" Marilee asks again, eyeing me. "Just a friend from school" I reply. I don't know how she will react if I tell her about Nick and I'm not ready to find out. "Where's Cole?" She asks suspiciously. "He had an away game" I say. And that's the truth, maybe not the whole truth, but he is at an away game, I reason to myself. Marilee nods, apparently satisfied with my answer, and looks back down at her phone. I take that as the end of that conversation and head to my room.

I spend the next couple hours reading before getting up to shower and start getting ready. After my shower I stand in front of my closet feeling lost. Could this be a date? I muse. No don't be stupid Mia. He's just being friendly.

Should I wear a dress? No something more casual.. will it look like I don't care at all if I wear my cutoffs? I discard several outfit options on my bed before deciding I need reinforcements. I text Marley:
Mia: help!! What do I wear tonight?
Marley writes back instantly
Marley: hot date? ;)
Mia: not a date! Casual? Not too casual?
Marley: pale blue sundress. White tennis shoes.
Mia: you're the best

I set down my phone and search my closet for the blue sundress. Finding it, I slip it on and look in the mirror. It has thin straps and is fitted down to my waist where it flairs just a tiny bit before ending mid thigh. I have to admit it looks good on my figure, and Marley is right that adding a tennis shoe makes it more casual. I search through the bottom of my closet before finding my white van slips ons and put them on. Finally, facing my mirror I add some mascara and lip gloss. Before i leave I glance again at my reflection, and decide to pull my hair back in a braid.

I exit my room at 7:50, thinking I'll sit outside and wait for Nick to avoid him knocking on the door and greeting Marilee. I walk by the living room on my way to the front door when Marilee turns around from the couch "Mia? Where are you going?" I slow my steps and say casually, "Just a party in the desert."

"But I thought Cole was gone at an away game?" she asks. I sigh and say "I do have other friends than just Cole. Marley will be there." Marilee narrows her eyes at me and I think why is she acting so suspicious of me? Honestly she has never seemed to care where I go or who with before. "Ok" she replies with a wave of her hand "but don't be out late, we have thanksgiving plans tomorrow."

"We do?" I reply, shocked. We never have thanksgiving plans. Neither of us bothers to cook and without family close by we just call it a regular day. "Yep" Marilee's grins. "We're having dinner with the Vaughn family."

The Vaughn family,
Coles family.

I plaster on the fakest smile I can muster and say "great" through my teeth. As much as I want to, now is not the time to argue if I want to get out of here and see Nick. With a last wave to Marilee I hurry out the door, shutting it behind me. I lean against the closed door, squeezing my eyes shut and taking a couple deep breaths.

Why would the Vaughn family invite us for thanksgiving dinner. Hasn't he told them we're not together anymore?

When I open my eyes again I realize Nicks truck is here. He's leaning against the passenger door, staring at me. "Everything okay?" he asks. I shake away my thoughts and straighten, refusing to let this ruin my chance with Nick tonight. "Everything's fine now" I say, walking towards him. With an unreadable expression on his face he nods and opens my door for me. I climb in.

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