Chapter 45

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I look into Nick's eyes, letting him see the truth in mine while  tracing his frown lines with my fingertip until his mouth slowly hitches upwards. Seeing that small smile gives me so much relief. This man deserves some happiness in his life- more than anyone I've probably ever known before.

His hand slides up my own neck and I shiver, partly in reaction to his touch and partly due to this freezing apartment. Nick smiles at me again and stands up, setting me on my feet.

"Let's get you warm, Mia-mine"

Nick turns up the heat on the thermostat and leads me to his room. I watch as he goes into his closet, admiring his broad shoulders and muscular back as he's pulling out a hoodie and bringing it over to me. I take it but don't put it on, too distracted by the enormousness of him.

Forgetting the jacket I grip Nick's shoulders, standing on my tip toes to kiss his lips.

"What was that for?"  He asks with a smile as I pull back,

"You make me happy" I reply simply.

"Happy? Even after this day we've had.. the conversation we just had?"

"Even then" I reply, kissing him again.

Nick stares into my eyes when I pull back, letting me see a tenderness in his own that makes my breath hitch. He trails his hand up my arm slowly, leaving a fire behind his touch as he crosses my shoulder to my collarbone. He brings his hand up to my face, trailing his thumb across my bottom lip before bringing his face down to meet mine. The kiss this time isn't sweet.. it's fiery, passionate. Suddenly the coldness of the room is gone and is replaced with a heat that I never want to escape.


"Wait" I mumble, pulling back and rushing to my drawers in search of something. Finding it, I set the candle on the dresser. It looks pathetic, I think, staring at the lone half burned candle. What am I thinking? This place isn't nice, this room is barely adequate, and I have one lonely fucking candle to light in hopes of making it seem romantic. She deserves so much more, so much better.

"A candle?" I hear Mia ask from behind me with humor in her voice. I turn to see her smirk and I feel my cheeks heat in embarrassment. "I know, I'm an idiot. Trying to be a damn Casanova or something. You deserve better, but uh, romance is a little harder than I thought."

She bites her bottom lip, obviously trying to contain her laughter. "It's a nice thought"

She strides over to me, taking the lighter from my hand and setting its wick to flame. "There" she says with a grin towards me "it's perfect."

I stare at her face in the candle light, transfixed. "No, it's not. But you are" I mumble.

Mia turns to face me, the smile falling from her lips and a more serious expression washing over her features.

Her hand comes up and caresses down my cheek gently, her touch setting fire to my skin. "That trip down memory lane was exhausting" she says softly, "why don't we go to bed?"

Her words imply sleeping but her eyes imply something much more.

Before I can reply she backs away from me, lifting her shirt over her head and tossing it to the floor behind her. I can't help but smirk as I watch her, this is the Mia I remember, so brave, so bold.

She looks over her shoulder at me, fire in her eyes as she reaches behind her to unclasp her bra. My breath hitches as she pushes the straps slowly off her shoulders, letting it drop to the ground with her shirt.


I bridge the gap between us, my hands grasping her waist tightly from behind. Slowly she turns her body to face me, a sureness in her expression. I take a sharp intake of breath as I let my eyes take her in, a rush of heat sliding down my spine.

She's beautiful. Absolutely inconceivably beautiful.

Her fingers grasp the ends of my shirt and she looks at me for permission. Like she would ever need my permission. I place my hands over hers and pull my shirt up along with her, depositing it carelessly. Her fingertips trail across my chest and down my abdomen, stopping at the button of my jeans. She looks up at me through her lashes, biting her lip.


I want her so badly, more than badly, but I want to do this right by her. I stop her fingers with my hand and she freezes, suddenly seeming unsure. I lean down, trailing kisses across her neck up to her ear, not wanting her to get the wrong idea.

"I want to worship you, Mia" I say, feeling her pulse pick up against my lips. "But we don't have to rush anything. We have forever, a lifetime together, to figure it out."

She stills, her wide brown eyes meeting my blue. "Forever? You really mean that?"

"Forever" I breathe out. Feeling more sure of that than anything else in my life. "I mean that."


I grasp Nick's hand, leading him towards the bed, too emotional to speak. Like usual, my body and soul are putty in his hands. I sit down and he leans over me, bracing his weight on his hands. I stare into those deep blue eyes and all I see is love. Love.. and trust, and longing.

"Kiss me" I say.

And he does.

His mouth presses lightly against mine at first, then harder with time, with my own mouth opening for him. I let my hand snake up his naked chest and around his neck, pulling him down towards me. He comes willingly, his body draping mine as he kisses me hungrily. I whimper as I feel his hand slide up over my ribs to the edge of my breast.

His touch engulfs me in flames, and I find my hands wandering his body, eventually dipping down to the front of his jeans, desire roaring inside me. Nick pauses then, releasing my mouth from his.

He brings his hand up and gently strokes down the side of my face. "Tell me what you want Mia, and I'll give it to you."
"I want you" I say breathily.

"You have me."

"I want all of you."

He looks at me for a long moment and I stare back. I do want him, and I won't show him any hesitation. Because I have none.

Nick finally nods, and takes my mouth back with his while reaching down to unbuckle his jeans.

I empty my mind of all thoughts. Every worry, every fear, I let go.

His hands. His mouth. His taste. His touch.

These are the only thoughts I let myself have. Ones of Nick's mouth and hands on me and mine on his, as he explores my body and leaves an imprint on my soul.

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