JS ✦ Phone

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"Yes, yes, understood. Thank you very much. Yes." Ijichi said while bowing and on the phone.

Nobara and Yuji stared at him. "Stare......"

"What's the matter?" He asked them after ending the call.

"You bow when you're on the phone." Nobara stated.

The older male chuckled, "I'm just so wrapped up in creating the feeling of 'I'm on the phone!' when I'm on a call."

"I-I-I know what you mean. I've hurt my neck several times dealing with ingrown hairs while depilating. Of course, I've hurt my pores, too." the girl said, causing everyone to stare at her, confused.

"Is that even the same?" Yuji questioned her, then looked at the black haired male.

"You're often irritated when you're on the phone, Fushiguro. I think Akane does that a lot too."

"That's because of Gojo-sensei, not the phone."

'Same, Megumi. Same.'

"Speaking of phone, can you stay on a call with the phone on your shoulder?" Ijichi questioned.

Then all of them, proceed to show that they can hold their phone against their shoulder, but then Nobara's phone fell to the ground, cracking.



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