Debut Stage

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"I've got exciting news for all of you! We got you a stage on M Countdown!" Bang PD shouted while not even in the dance studio. He was too excited to wait any longer. 

Everyone's head snapped in his direction, unsure if they heard right. "Really?" Hobi asked, refusing to believe in case he heard it wrong. He didn't want to get his hopes up. 

"we're gong to be on stage! Hyung! Wake up! Did you hear?" Jungkook practically shoved Dawa awake. "You should stop hanging out less with Yoongi hyung and more with me." Jungkook pouted, observing the similarity between them. 

Dawa just raised his arm to pat the 15 year old, whose hair looked fluffy. "Sure."


They were backstage. Dawa observed that their clothes weren't any where near close to 'Idol' like. If anything, he felt he was wearing what he wore to bed, but of course he stayed silent. 'At I have clothes.' He thought as he stared at himself in the small mirror. He was just wearing shorts and a tank top. 

"Hyung...Namjoon hyung, can you hand me my jumper?" 

Namjoon just stared at him, his brows knit together in a frown. "Pardon?" 

"Jumper. You know that... " Dawa pointed this time. He was specking in English just because he was too nervous to speak in Korean. He felt too flustered to think in this other language. 

"Oh! Your sweater, what did you call it again?" He handed Dawa the sweater. 


"Stop specking in English! It's not fair!" Jimin whined, Taehyung nodded in agreement. 

A man dressed in black poked his head in the tiny room. "Y'll are up in 3." 

"Okay let's go! Remember, we're doing this together!" Namjoon encouraged. Dawa sensed a bit of hesitense, which he found odd. 'He's normally so sure of himself. I guess we're all just nervous.' 

As the eight of them got ready on stage. Dawa of course was nervous. He had never in his life performed in front of a crowd and he had to do it in a new language too, but the others looked a bit paler in his eyes. 'They're also nervous.' 

"Dawa hyung you look so cool!" Taehyung smiled in his direction. 

"You too." Taehyung blinked back in surprise, he didn't expect that kind of response. But it sent a fuzzy feeling throughout his body. 


The music started, the stage lights started flashing and Jungkook stepped in. He started his rap and the crowd supporting cheered them on. Dawa was on the far left side, he could feel his leg muscles pulling, and the pain shooting in every direction. Ever since he has started dancing, the pain started, he was slowly getting used to it. 

What he was not used to was lifting up his shirt in front of cameras. 'Dawa, you wanker, do it or you'll mess up the dance.' He reluctantly did, putting on a poker face. Later, as they danced on, Namjoon, Hobi and Yoongi had all done their rap, and now it was his turn to do his English lyrics. It was only a five lines, so he didn't dread that part, what he dreaded was the hat dance part that he and Jungkook would have to do after his singing. 


It was so loud, Dawa couldn't hear his own heartbeat. He couldn't hear himself thinking. He turned to look at each of the members smiling and he couldn't help but smile fully at their happy faces. Their eyes. He noticed how much they shined and twinkled. 

As they headed back stage his leg gave out causing him to lose balance. Jimin froze mid step. The last time Dawa fell like that was when he danced for Jimin. Jungkook and Taehyng helped him get up but Jimin couldn't help but feel uneasy. 

'The way he fell was the same.' Jimin had only seen the fall twice but he studied the fall as if it was a dance. 'First, his left ankle snaps to the side, then his left side falls, then the rest of him.' 

"I'm okay, thank you." Dawa shrugged the others helping hands. Right then his phone started to ring to which he grabbed. He didn't mind answering in front of the others as much. Dawa had gotten used to the lack of space and privacy, which he was oddly greateful for because it pushed him to be more open with the rest of the members. 

"Hi Mum, di-"

"Honey we saw it! It was amazing! Essie recognized your voice the minute yo started singing!" 

"MOONIE! CAN YOU TELL YOUR MEMBERS THAT THEY HAVE REALLY PRETTY VOICES TOO!" Essie shouted in the background and then came a clash. 

"Is everything okay?" The words fell out before Dawa could process what he had just said. 

Then he heard another voice, a female voice curse in french. "Mum, do you have a friend over?" 

"Oh, yes. She was watching with u-"

"MUM HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" Essie screamed. Dawa suspected that his mother had let her eat too much candy as a treat but he stayed silent at what Essie had shouted. He didn't know what to say. It was one of those moments where you just had bunch if thoughts and questions but you don't know where to start. 

He could sense his members watching him. He knew that they didn't really understand most of the conversation, except for Namjoon but they took his sudden change of facial expression as an alarming sign. 

"Dawa?" His mother used his real name, not honey or moon or moonie. "Dawa, honey...are you okay? I're not against this are you?" Her voice cracked halfway. Dawa whipped his head another direction so that the members didn't see his eyes tearing up. That crack in her voice really chipped a piece of his heart. 

"No Mum, why-why would you even think that? That's a barmy thought, that is." He could hear his mother sniffle a bit. He hated the fact that his mother would think that lowly of him and he hated that he made his mother cry. "I was just surprised is all." He added to explain his silence as he ran his hand through his hair. 

"I just thought you know...with your dad and-"

"Mum, it's okay. We don't need to talk about that. I'm happy as long as you are. Really." He had his eyes closed, he was still sweaty, his leg was sendng shoots of pain the mention of his father sparked a headache. "Mum, I have to go now. I love you, okay. No matter what. I'll call another time." 

He looked back at his members. The looks in their faces told him that they wanted to be filled in but he just wanted to rest. So, he ignored them and waited for their company staff to come for them. 

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