Love Yourself: Her

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Sep 14, 2017

Dawa was practicing the choreography of the song he and Jimin were doing together. Jimin had left to go do some last-minute filming of the music video and he had to stay behind to get in some more practice. It wasn't like he needed to go anyway because the directors had already finished filming all the scenes that both Jimin and Dawa had been in together and his own parts.

As Dawa was in mid-choreo, Do Hwan stumbled in, face flushed. "Dawa, the design for the album cover just came in. The design team wants to know what you think about it." He mumbled quietly. Dawa watched Do Hwan struggle to get the words out.

"Hyung, are you okay? You look ill." He walked up to Do-Hwan and felt the temperature of Do Hwan's forehead with the back of his hands.

Do Hwan sat down on the stray chair in the practice room. "Mmh, I'm okay. Don't worry about me." He croaked. Dawa noticed how dry his voice sounded.

"Let me walk you to the nurse, she's only down the hall." Do Hwan did not say anything and let Dawa support him all the way down the hall. "Hyung, stay here and let the nurse take care of you. I'll go check on the design and then drive you home. You don't look like you're in the condition to drive at all." Dawa spoke as he carefully laid Do Hwan on the bed.

He quickly walked to the design team, trying to get this done as fast as he could. The moment he entered the room, the staff stood up and slightly bowed. They were in a meeting room, the foreign designers on a video call, which was shown on the big screen.

"Ah, please. There is no need for you to stand up." He motioned everyone to sit back down. The design team had high respect for the young man. They all acknowledged his eye for art and his artistic, and creative skills. "May I please see the most recent design?" He asked and the staff closest to him handed him the prototype.

He stared at it, taking in the design. It was beautiful, he couldn't deny it. "I think this is great. I love the colors, it really balances everything. My only concern is that the actual lines are too thick and especially with this drawing, it feels clustered. Maybe try thinning out the lines and creating a more simple image. Like, like a simple line art." He suggested. The design currently was a drawing of a flower in bloom. It was not detailed, but the line work was all clustered together. It felt heavy to look at. "I would just change the thickness of the lines and at more space between them. Otherwise, everything looks great."

The staff took some notes and nodded, thanking Dawa for his input. "No, no, thank you for doing all this work and putting in so much effort. We really appreciate it." He replied, not really taking in the compliments. He would mumble a thank you and tell the staff that they were the real magic makers and he was just there to learn from them.

"Alright, Hyung. Let's go." Dawa walked Do Hwan to the car and got in the driver's seat. "He sent a quick text to the boys and Bang Si Hyuk and Sae-Jun that he was going to take care of Do Hwan for the day. Namjoon called Dawa, right before he started the engine.

"Are you going to drive him back to his house?" Namjoon asked over the phone.

"Yeah, that's the plan. I'm going to take the day off and take care of him. I'll make up for the practice I missed."

"Ok, just be careful. Text us if you decide to stay there, we need to know the plan. Okay?"


Dawa started the car and drove off. His fear of cars was still in the back of his head. The voices had become smaller but it was still there. When he drove, he never played music or spoke much. This was so that his full attention was on driving.

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