On The Run🏃🏽‍♀

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Three months had gone by

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Three months had gone by. The good news is, Beyoncè and Onika had been successfully sneaking in and out of each other's bedrooms without getting caught. The good news also is Beyoncè had enough credits to be a 12th grader. Karen was pleasantly surprised to find out that Beyoncè is practically a genius! Her behavioral problems is what was holding her back in school.

But the bad news is, all good things come to an end... And what's done in the dark, eventually comes to light!

One night, Beyoncè snuck into Onika's room. But she didn't realize Karen saw her go in there. Karen went back into her and Cicely's room and woke her up.

"Karen, what's wrong?!", Cicely asked.

"I just saw Beyoncè go into Onika's room! I can't believe they would disobey us like that", Karen exclaimed.

Cicely released an annoyed sigh and shook her head in frustration. "I'm spending all this damn money to get Bey counseling and she's still acting up! Let me go in there and..."

Karen stopped her and said, "Wait, babe...I want to catch them in the act! If we don't catch them they'll keep saying they're not doing anything. So just wait a few minutes."

"What if the door is locked?", Cicely asked.

"We still should be able to hear something at least! And if they take forever to open the door we'll definitely know what's up", Karen said.

Meanwhile, Beyoncè was in the middle of moaning like crazy. Once Onika learned how to orally pleasure Beyoncè she became obsessed with doing so. Beyoncè wasn't too loud. But when Cicely and Karen put their ears to the door, they heard her loud and clear.

Cicely grabbed the doorknob, but the door was locked. She banged on the door and yelled, "Onika! Open this door right now!" They could hear the girls shuffling around and whispering.

"What the fuck?! What are they doing up?!", Beyoncè whispered as she threw her pajamas back on.

"I don't know! But you gotta hide! Get in the closet", Onika told her.

Onika waited until Beyoncè was in the closet. Then she opened the door...

"I was sleeping", she whined to her mothers.

They stormed into her room looking for Beyoncè. "Beyoncè you might as well stop hiding because we know you're in here! I suggest you come your sneaky behind out here right now", Cicely yelled.

Onika became upset. She yelled, "Momma, don't talk mean to my girlfriend!"

"Your what?!", Cicely and Karen asked in shock.

Beyoncè came out of the closet. Onika stood in front of her as if she was her bodyguard. "Don't hit her", Onika said sternly.

"Ain't nobody about to hit her, child! Beyoncè go to your room! We'll deal with you in a minute", Cicely told her.

After Beyoncè went to her room, Cicely and Karen talked to Onika...

"Onika, didn't we tell you not to be up in this room with Beyoncè with the door closed?!", Cicely yelled.

"Momma, that's too loud", Onika whined while covering her ears.

"I don't care! You deliberately disobeyed us", Cicely yelled.

"Onika, we tried to be nice enough to still let you and Beyoncè spend time together. All we asked you both to do was not be up in each other's rooms late at night with the door closed! So now we gotta  separate y'all", Karen said.

"No! Don't do that! That's so mean", Onika cried.

"Onika calm down! Y'all did wrong so now y'all gotta suffer the consequences", Cicely said.

"No! I want my girlfriend", Onika began to yell and throw a temper tantrum. She ran to Beyoncè's room...But she wasn't there.

"Beyoncè....Beyoncè are you hiding?", Onika asked as she searched Beyoncè's room.

"She's gone! You made her run away", she cried to her mothers. All of her sisters came out of their rooms to see what was going on.

"Relax, child! She's probably downstairs somewhere", Cicely said.

Karen and Cicely searched the entire mansion for Beyoncè. They couldn't find her anywhere.

"Her ass didn't need to be here anyway", Solange mumbled. And for the first time Onika physically snapped on her.

"Y'all stop that fighting! Y'all are acting crazy as hell tonight", Cicely yelled as Lauren and Kierra tried to pull Onika and Solange apart.

"I hate you and I hope you die", Onika screamed at Solange with tears pouring from her eyes.

"Onika don't ever say anything like that again! You don't wish death on nobody! That's not nice", Karen told her.

"I don't care! I want my girlfriend", Onika cried on Kierra's chest.

Karen couldn't help but get teary eyed. She hated to see Onika going through her first heartbreak.

"Kierra, take her to her room and help her calm down please", Karen said.

"She'll be ok. We'll find Beyoncè'", Kierra said to her mom.

"Karen, let's ride around the neighborhood. She couldn't have gotten far", Cicely said.

As Cicely and Karen searched the neighborhood for Beyoncè, Kierra had a hard time back home trying to calm Onika down. Lauren texted Beyoncè...

Lauren: "Girl! Where did you go?! You have to come back now! My sister is not ok! Please....🙏🏼🥺"

Lauren noticed that Beyoncè did read the message but she didn't respond. She just shook her head and laid down beside Onika.

"I want Beyoncè", Onika cried out.

"She probably just went back to her grandmother's house, pooh. Please don't cry. She'll be back", Kierra told her.

Lauren tried to call Beyoncè from Onika's phone...she still didn't answer..As for Cicely and Karen they couldn't find her anywhere in the neighborhood....Beyoncè was on the run...

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