Chapter 8: Inseparable at Christmas

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My cheeks were warm as Shawn helped me to move across the ice. We had gone ice skating together on Christmas eve, since I was spending it with him and his brother. My parents had wanted to go to Florida over the break, but I wanted to be with Shawn. We had been inseparable ever since we became an official couple, not like we were apart from each other much before. My mom and dad had agreed to let me stay with him, since they trusted me and he had two other roommates to keep an eye on us.

"Now I don't want you kids doing anything I would do," Eric told us before cracking a smile. "I'm just kidding. Do whatever you want. Like I care. I'm just a roomie." He shrugged before leaving to be with his family.

Shawn and I were sitting on the couch, still warming up after being in the icy air.

"I loved how you helped me to ice skate. You never let me fall once," I said to my boyfriend as he grinned softly.

"I always liked ice skating, but I think I like it even better now."

"I think your brother had a good time too. I'm glad you two are starting to bond better."

"Yeah, I've always wanted a brother," he quietly replied, keeping his arm around me as I snuggled closer to him.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" We both giggled as we got caught up in our silly conversation, smiling like crazy at each other. "Do you want to open your present early? I know Christmas is tomorrow, but that might be fun."

"Okay," he agreed, unwrapping the small box with red shiny paper I brought over.

"I can't believe Topanga. She's trying to change everything about my Christmas. I mean, who opens presents on Christmas Eve," Cory ranted after randomly bursting through the door.

Shawn just looked at him with a grin, keeping my gift in his hands. "Who cares? Cory, you and Topanga are meant to be together. That's just one thing different about you two."

"Yeah, but now she's putting grapefruit in my orange juice. I mean, come on, orange juice is perfectly fine by itself."

"You and Topanga are like orange and grapefruit juice. It doesn't make sense that you're together, but you are," Shawn reacted, Cory not seeming thrilled with his answer as he left. Shawn shook his head some before going back to taking out the item I bought him. "Wow, a slinky..." He held up the metal coils as I admired his look of fascination.

"I know that Jack accidentally broke your other one, so I thought you might like a new one."

"Thanks. What I got you isn't half as good as this."

I gladly accepted the brown parcel before carefully ripping it open, my cheeks turning rosy as I saw the object inside.

"It's not much, but Cory said girls like jewelry, so I used all my coins until I got the one with your birthstone. It's emerald, right?"

"Right," I confirmed, feeling such a joy when I put the Gumball machine ring on my left hand finger. It had a fake gold band with a dark green fake gem. "I love it so much, Shawn. Thank you." I leaned forward to peck his lips, hardly touching them before he started talking again.

"Just so you know, it's not a promise ring like Cory gave Topanga. It's just a, 'Hey, I really like you and you're also my best friend' ring."

"I still love it, Shawn," I gushed. "Do you want to play with your slinky now?"

"Sure." His smile was priceless as we made the toy go down the small amount of stairs in that apartment.

"Okay, why couldn't Cory of met someone like her," Eric questioned after returning, since he was with Jack. "She's not trying to change anything about Shawn. I want to trade brothers." He had his hands on his hips as he nodded slightly, Jack merely shaking his head at how he was acting.

I felt shy when I entered Shawn's bedroom when it was time for sleep, managing to step through the horrible mess on his floor. I started picking up the clothes to put in a basket, stopping when he walked in.

"I'm sorry. I just... I just thought it might be easier to walk in here if it was cleaner," I blushed.

"Yeah," he agreed, helping me with moving things.

"Of course he'll clean up for you," Jack commented in annoyance as he passed by.

"I like your pig," I spoke, pushing back the curtains to reveal the big animal as it ate.

"Really," Shawn asked.

"You sound surprised." I looked over at him as a smile twitched across the corners of his lips.

"Well, yeah, even Jack hates him."

"What's his name?"

"Little Cory."

I bit my lower lip as I tried not to laugh, my eyes twinkling at Shawn when I faced him. "Didn't you have a little pig called Cory when you were younger?"

"Yeah, a few years ago, but he was taken to a farm. I wasn't able to keep him, since Topanga called animal control and everything."

"Aw, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I have Little Cory now, and you here with me." I melted when he wrapped his arms around me, swaying us from side to side a little as he held me. I was in a pair of classic, red plaid, flannel pajamas, him in an orange t-shirt and black basketball shorts.

We both crawled underneath the blankets on his mattress, him making sure I had enough of the sheets on my side. "You look so good in orange. It's my favorite color on you." I was biting my lower lip as I admired how gorgeous he was.

"Why do you think I wore it to bed? Goodnight, Kimberly."

"Goodnight, Shawn." We both lied there on our backs for a few minutes, the lamp still on. I decided to turn it off, him jerking awake. "What's wrong?" I flipped the light back to life as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I got used to sleeping with lights shining through my window at the trailer park. It comforts me," he cutely pouted, pulling the blankets up to his chin.

"Good for you, I like to sleep with the lights on too. I have nightmares if it's dark in the room."

"I love you," Shawn said in a daze, giving me a goofy grin as I giggled.

"Shawn...," I dragged out in a slight whine, since I knew he didn't mean it as in love.

"I didn't think anyone would ever understand that about me."

"Well, I do. Goodnight, Shawn." I kissed his cheek before we got settled again, me jumping when he turned on a tape of crickets and a loud truck was on it.

"Shawn? Shawn?!" I couldn't get him to wake up, so I turned off the lamp, him instantly sitting up.

"What," he gasped, looking around as I turned the light back on.

"What's that tape?"

"It's night time at the trailer park."

"I love the crickets, but could you turn it down a little? The other loud stuff kind of wakes me up."

"I really love you," he said, not being serious again as he did what I asked. I snuggled up to him as he started breathing evenly. I jerked awake though when he started snoring and talking in his sleep at the same time. At first I was frustrated, but then I heard what he was saying.

"Yeah, I'll go to the store, Kimberly. I'll pick up eggs and pancakes and cake... And I'll get you a Cinnabon, because that's our thing. I'm glad you ended up being my Topanga. I never understood how Cory felt, but now I do."

"I'm glad I ended up being your Topanga too," I quietly responded even though he couldn't hear me. I rubbed his chest before keeping my hand there, falling asleep with my cheek smushed against his shoulder.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3 This chapter is literally based off the last two episodes I saw. Seriously, every time I see Shawn in orange I can't stop thinking about how good he looks. And I keep getting a bigger crush on that boy. He's just so great. I love the character development on the show too. Oh, and I tried to include Eric in this, since I hadn't before. Honestly he's like my second favorite character on the show after Shawn. XD Who are your favorites? :)

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