Chapter 21: The End

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"So, what do you think," Shawn asked with a grin after entering our bedroom.

"I still like you better without a beard, but it is coming in nice."

"Yeah?" He sat beside me on the bed as I nodded a little with a smile.

"I'll always find you attractive, Shawn. So, are you sure you're okay with me just going to Cory and Topanga's party tonight? I'm sorry I never go to the club with you, Rachel, and Jack," I frowned.

"Yeah, of course it's okay. We'll be swinging by there later anyway."

"Okay, just be careful. Don't party too hard?" I kissed his lips softly as his blue eyes found mine.

"I won't. I'm married now," he lightly joked, causing me to playfully push his shoulder.

The following evening I was enjoying quiches with Topanga and Cory, us having a good time playing the classic game of Clue.

"These are so delicious, Topanga. I wish I knew how to make them."

"Oh, I can give you the recipe," she offered, standing to sift through papers in the kitchen area.

"I personally didn't think they were her best," Cory whispered.

"What?" She sounded angry as he sheepishly shrunk back before putting on his most convincing grin.

"Nothing, hun," he happily claimed.

She didn't appear convinced as she gave me the index card with the recipe.

"Thank you. I'll copy this down right now, so you can keep yours," I offered, getting a fresh index card to jot down the instructions and ingredients.

As the night wore on I felt left out as Topanga and Cory started snuggling each other on the couch, getting caught up in sweet kisses as I missed my own husband. When the door opened my entire face lit up, Shawn looking equally as happy as I embraced him in a hug.

"How was your night," I whispered near his ear.

"It was great," he beamed, kissing my lips tenderly as I melted into his embrace.

"I think it's time to go now," I quietly told him as he saw the couple making out a bit more.

"Yeah, I think so too." He led me to our own home, me giggling as he carried me into our bedroom.

"Did you get some ideas from Cory and Topanga?" I raised my eyebrows as he gave me a mischievous smile.

"I might have come up with one or two." I giggled as we went straight for being all over each other, never more in love with this boy.

Everything happened so fast as graduation approached. Obviously, we weren't leaving college yet, but Eric, Rachel and Jack were. It was tough saying goodbye to them, and it would have been even harder for Cory and Topanga if we weren't going to New York with them.

I was folding my clothes as Shawn tossed a few things in a suitcase on our bed.

"It seems crazy that we're leaving this place." I was sniffling a tiny bit as I fit four tops snugly with my baggage.

"Yeah. I've lived here my whole life. I've never been anywhere else, but there's nothing really here for me, except you, Cory, Topanga, Jack, Rachel, even Eric..."

I looked over at him as he stared at the floor sadly, lost in thought. I walked over to wrap my arms around him, kissing his lips gently to snap him out of his down mood.

"I love you so much, Shawn. This is all really hard for me, but I'm glad that we're doing it together."

"Me too." He brought my hand up to his lips to kiss it, the day finally arriving. I cried when I saw the others bidding their farewells to Mr. Feeny, hearing the teacher saying, "I love you all," after we exited the old classroom, even if he never would have said it out loud to us before.


"Yeah, Topanga, we'll be right over. I just have to wake up little Cory from his nap," I promised, shaking my head after I hung up the phone. I had let Shawn name the newest edition to our family. I don't know why it surprised me he picked that name.

"Hey, baby boy," I softly greeted, my son fussing a bit as I cradled him in my arms. "We're visiting Aunt Topanga today," I cooed, getting him changed and dressed quickly.

"Hey, babe," Shawn greeted, causing me to blush as I pecked his lips softly.

"Are the rest of the kids ready?"

"Yeah, all except Caroline. She's trying that new lipgloss you bought her. Why does she have to grow up so fast? Great, I sound like a real father now."

I giggled softly as I gave him another kiss that made him smile. "Yes, you do."

Finally we were at Topanga's apartment next door, their kids Riley and Auggie glad to see ours. Shawn and I had ended up having a big family, and it was a relief that we both got decent jobs, since it was hard paying for things in New York. We had five children, a thirteen year old girl, a 11 year old boy, a 9 year old boy, a 5 year old boy, and then of course, our 6 month year old baby boy. It was definitely a full house, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Let's just say Shawn loved being a father so much, and I think part of him wanted more kids yet. He felt good about giving them the life he never had, and I was glad he finally got the life he always dreamed of. All our lives had turned out great. Even Eric had done well, getting a job working for a major internet company that powered the whole U.S.


Eric was having a normal day at work, getting everyone their coffee (even though they didn't ask), and then heading off to get paperwork from a machine. On his way he noticed that there were donuts in a room. He checked to make sure the coast was clear before sneaking in to steal one. In his haste he tripped over a cord, not only disconnecting it, but somehow breaking it as well.

"Ah, well, I bet it's nothing," he shrugged, grinning before shoving an entire donut in his mouth, grabbing a second to hide under his shirt.

Later on the national news...

This just in the news. One of the most popular internet companies in the country has been down all day. It is unclear how this happened, but sources say somehow a cord was damaged. Tune in at 11 to find out more.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's the last chapter to this book. I did have a great time writing for it. It's just that I was starting to run out of ideas, especially since I just finished watching "Boy Meets World," and I was going by the show for this story. The last part on the end I actually thought about putting in a "Boy Meets World" imagines book, but I'm not sure if I'm making one yet. Anyway, thank you so much for reading! It means a lot to me! <3 Also, the part about the internet being down really did happen recently in real life, where somehow a cable was cut or something.

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