Chapter 18: Our Sea of Love

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"Shawn and I are engaged," I announced when we found Cory and Topanga in the main college hangout.

"What," Topanga asked, a shocked look crossing her face.

"Are you serious," Cory questioned, in the same state of disbelief.

"Yeah, I just asked her after Feeny's wedding," Shawn proudly smiled, leading me over to a chair where I could sit on his lap.

"How can you even think about getting married? I mean, no offense, but this doesn't sound like you, Shawn," Topanga added.

"I know, but I guess love changes me, just like you and Cory. You both rubbed off on each other. That's what makes you so great for each other," Shawn pointed out.

Topanga looked over at Cory as he barely licked his lips, their gazes intense as I wrapped my arms around Shawn's neck.

"Cory, what are we doing," Topanga spoke first.

"I've been wondering the same thing," he reacted.

"We shouldn't be looking at other people about our relationship. You were right all along. It should just be between you and me. I've been so miserable without you."

"Same here."

I was silently fangirling when she finally moved close enough to kiss him, Shawn just as happy. It wasn't long before things were back to normal, except we got to hang out as couples. Even though I loved spending time with our friends, I also treasured my alone time with Shawn. I kept kissing him as we sat on his bed, my lips getting dry from how long we had been doing this lately. I eventually was forced to part for air though, lowering my head as he brushed my hair from my face.

"I can't believe we'll be having our own wedding someday like Cory and Topanga," I commented.

"Me either," Shawn softly said, me lifting my gaze up to his.

"Are you having second thoughts?"

"I couldn't even afford you a real ring. You can't wear that for forever." He gestured to the cheap piece of jewelry on my hand, but I shook my head.

"Of course I can. I was planning on wearing it forever the moment you gave it to me."

"Why are you always proving me wrong? You're always so happy with everything I give you, and you can't be. I can't give you a fancy ring or a wedding for that matter."

"Shawn, I don't want any of those things. I just want you. We could even elope and I'd be happy." I grasped his hand as his line of sight fell to our palms pressed together.

"I was just wondering, are you planning on waiting to do anything until we're married? I think Cory and Topanga are waiting."

"I think I'd prefer that if that's okay."

"Yeah," he managed to get out as I wrapped my arms around his neck, touching the back of his hair. "You waited for me, and I'm still willing to wait for you."

The corners of my mouth twitched upwards before I sealed our lips with a kiss, pulling away shortly after. "I love you." I leaned my head against his shoulder as he wound his own arms around my waist.

"I love you too," he softly responded.

Witnessing Cory and Topanga's wedding a few weeks later felt so surreal, and I knew that it was tough on Shawn giving up his best friend. He knew that things would change when Cory got married. I rubbed his back soothingly after the newlyweds left for their hotel room.

"I don't know about this," Shawn quietly expressed, running his hand through his hair as we walked outside.

"About what?"

"Getting married seems like such a big step. I just lost Cory..."

"Shawn, you haven't lost him. You're always going to be best friends, no matter what. There's no way you two could stay away from each other."

"Do you think we're rushing into things by getting engaged? Do you think it's such a good idea?"

"I asked you same thing when you asked me." I looked over at him as I kept my arm looped with his. "If you want to call it off then I understand."

He opened his mouth slightly as he focused on me in thought before ducking his head for a moment. "No, I don't want to do that. I guess I just want to wait to set the date for awhile."

"That's okay."

"How did I get so lucky to get with someone so understanding?" I loved admiring his blue orbs as I thought of an answer.

"How did I get so lucky to get with someone so wonderful?"

"Wonderful?" He almost laughed as he gave me an amused expression.

"Yeah, wonderful." My eyes glittered up into his as I kissed him softly.

A few days later and I caught Shawn hurrying to where I was sitting on the sofa at college, noticing he had a special glow to his face. I was surprised, since he had been a bit depressed being stuck in class with Cory and Topanga still in paradise on their honeymoon.

"I got you something. I finally got it," he proudly grinned, taking a ring out of his pocket.

"I love it so much," I breathed, placing my hand over my heart as he took off my old ring to replace it. I couldn't help but admire the new one, smiling at how it glinted in the lighting. "How did you afford something like this? It looks like it cost a lot."

"Eric set me up."

"Eric?" I echoed, glancing in the direction of the boy giving extra whipped cream to customers at the college gift shop/small dining area. "Are you sure it's legitimate?"

"I don't care. It's the first time I've ever been able to get you something this nice."

"Maybe you should give it back...," I hesitantly trailed off.

"No, I'm not going to take this away from you. You deserve this. Just accept it."

"Well, okay, but if the police track us down then I'm blaming Eric."

"I would never let them take you. They'd have to arrest me first." I smiled at his sweet words, finding his lips as we shared a sweet kiss, drowning in our sea of love.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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