Chapter 16: "Still Can't Say 'Yes' Yet"

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The last few weeks had felt like a soap opera, and I was glad that things were finally winding down. Shawn had lost his father and then went on the road to find answers to his life, Cory's new baby brother almost didn't make it after being born premature, Eric had been forced to say goodbye to this little orphaned boy as his big brother, since he was being adopted and moving far away, and Shawn and I were back to not speaking much when he did get back. It took everything in me not to collapse against the sink in the morning as I brushed my teeth.

"You okay," Shawn lightly chuckled, making sure not to look at me, since I still hated people watching me do this.

"I'm fine," I sighed softly, rinsing my toothbrush after spitting. "It's just been such a crazy past few weeks."

"You're telling me."

"Are you going to Rachel's dinner party tonight?"

"Yeah. What about you?" He turned his head in my direction as I brushed through my dark brown hair.

"Yeah, I'm planning on going. How are you doing?"

"Okay. Better than what I was. I got some clarity when I was on the road."

"I'm glad to hear that," I softly smiled, him meeting my gaze through the mirror.

"Really? I thought you hated that I left."

"I did, but I wanted you to get your answers, Shawn." I spun around to find him right in front of me, a blush dusting my cheeks as I took in his black, long sleeved shirt, and that familiar, silver necklace from high school. I bit my lower lip as I unclasped it, fastening it around my own neck as he looked down at me amused. His hair was growing out more too, and it was nearly framing his face, making him look even more like his old self.

"What? Does this mean you're mad at me, and you'll only give it back when you're not," he non-seriously asked.

I bit my lower lip as I smiled faintly, spinning around to avoid his blue orbs. "I guess you'll find out. I'll give it back when it's the right time."

"Do something like that, and people will think we're back together."

A shot of confidence overtook me and I smacked Shawn's bottom before rushing out of there, in a fit of giggles.

"Hey! Why did you do that," he called, stuck in the doorway as I felt the heat rising to my cheeks.

"I don't know. I guess I just wanted to see your reaction." I hid my face with my hands, unable to keep up my casual facade.

"You want to see my second one?" I squealed as he chased me down the hallways, still in my pajamas and periwinkle robe as we found ourselves in the main room with the pool table.

"Mr. Hunter, Miss Kelley, what are you doing," Mr. Feeny demanded, but he didn't sound too upset as we kept acting crazy with each other. I laughed out loud when Shawn wrapped his strong arms around my middle, kicking my legs up as I gripped his arms. I was suddenly set down though when I accidentally got him in the front, him crouching down in pain.

"I am so sorry, Shawn! I'm sorry," I breathed, still catching my breath as I shrunk to his level.

When he was finally able to stand again I smiled at him as he did the same, laughing a tiny bit as he caught his own breath.

"So, I'll see you at Rachel's party?"

He faintly smiled at me before I walked away, passing Mr. Feeny as he just stared at us in hidden disbelief.

The night of Rachel's party arrived, and I felt a bit nervous when they started the honesty game.

"Shawn, if you could be with anyone for one night, no strings attached, who would it be," Rachel questioned.

"Kimberly," he effortlessly answered, eventually turning around to face me.

"You want to do that now," I asked, biting my lower lip.


Cory was yelling at us the whole time about it, since he wanted us as a real couple and not just a temporary fling. I couldn't believe it when we ended up on Rachel's bed, Shawn making out with me as I touched his face.

"I'm so glad we're doing this. You know, I missed talking to you," Shawn got out in between kisses.

"Please don't talk," I whispered, running my fingers through his hair as he pressed his body against mine.

"I love you, Kimberly."

I sighed softly as I pushed him off, him somehow falling on the floor by mistake.

"What was that for," he wondered, clearly not happy.

"Shawn... We've known each other for years now. Do you really think I would want our first time to be in somebody else's apartment? I'm not even ready."

"Then why did you say..."

"I just wanted to get your attention. I know that we kissed when you were grieving, but I was afraid that's all it was. That you were just vulnerable, and how close we were meant nothing to you. I mean, I know it helped you to feel better, but I wasn't sure if you ever would want me back, and the last few weeks, it's felt wrong to bring it up again, and-" I was cut off by his lips on mine as we sat on the edge of the mattress, me speechless after he parted.

"I don't want to do anything that you're not comfortable with. You sure got my attention though," he grinned in amusement.

A small smile spread across my own lips before I fought with taking his necklace off. "Here. I think this is the right time to give it back."

He smiled a tiny bit as he accepted the item, sticking it in his pocket for the time being. "I'm sorry I hurt you. You do mean something to me. I've just been so hurt and confused these past few weeks. I'm just now learning to deal with everything."

"I understand. You know I'll always be there for you, right?" I took his hand before firmly intertwining our fingers. "I'll always wait for you because I don't want anyone else."


"Shawn, you're one of a kind in the best possible way. I don't even want to picture a life without you. I know I say pretty deep stuff to you, but I guess I'm just used to how Cory and Topanga talk to each other."

"Yeah, they're starting to get in my head too," he barely nodded.

"You just tell me when you're ready to get back together, okay? It's up to you."

"I wish I could tell you 'yes' right now. Man, do I wish I could," he sincerely expressed, his blue eyes locked on mine.

"Hey, you've always respected my wishes by never going farther than what I wanted. Well, now it's my turn to wait for you."

The way his smile gradually appeared on his lips was the most beautiful sight in the world.

Even without the labels, Shawn and I were basically back together, me taking his shoulders to put him on the bench in the co-ed bathroom a day later. I kissed him deeply, him giving me the cutest grin when I parted, brushing his hair from his forehead.

"Still can't say 'yes' yet," he charismatically said as he put the palm of his hand up.

"Okay." I was struggling not to grin like an idiot as I got off him, peeking in the door after I left. I blushed when Topanga had seen us, and Shawn was desperate for a cold shower, running straight for it fully clothed. He always made my day.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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