Chapter 10: "I Don't Like Me When I Drink"

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"I don't know, Shawn...," I trailed off, nervous about the party tonight.

"Come on, it will be a lot of fun. Besides, someone needs to be there for Cory. He's been a wreck ever since him and Topanga broke up." He brushed the side of his hair back with one hand as I weakly smiled.

"Well, okay, but stay close to me, okay? I've never been to a high school party."

He chuckled softly as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders in the busy hallway. "I wasn't planning on leaving." He bit his lower lip cutely, causing me to reach up to peck his lips gently.

That night I was decked out in a purple dress that complimented my figure, even if I still felt like I had zero curves.

"Wow, you look amazing," Shawn breathed, intertwining our fingers when he picked me up at my house.

"You look really great too," I gushed, taking in his navy blue buttoned shirt over a black t-shirt, and a shiny, silver necklace.

Shawn had been right about the party being fun, but I already missed him when he left to check on Cory, who had oddly been the center of attention as he made people laugh. I gently knocked on the door when they had been in the bathroom for awhile.

"Shawn? Cory," I asked, the door swinging open as Shawn stood there with his arms open wide.

"Hey," he greeted, acting a bit different as he shook his head some.

"Hey, are you two okay," I hesitantly checked.

"Never better." He then took a swig of whiskey, causing my mouth to drop.

"I didn't know you drank..."

"I don't. Cory brought it. This stuff tastes awful, but it's sure worth it."

"Can I have a sip," I quietly requested. Even though I disapproved of him drinking that much, I was curious about it.

"Go for it." He held out the bottle as I almost coughed after swigging some down, scrunching my face up horribly.

"I really hate that stuff. My throat burns bad."

"Just give it some time. You get used to it after awhile," he freely claimed.

"I don't think I want anymore. Maybe you two should stop too. You look pretty drunk." I fiddled with my fingers as Cory stole the container for more.

"Are you kidding? Cory and I are planning on getting some beer after this. We don't want the party to be over," Shawn nearly slurred.

"Then let me go with you. I don't want you stepping out into the street and getting hurt or something."

"Nothing's going to happen to us." He put emphasis on his words, but I still couldn't believe him.

"I still want to go with you guys. Maybe we can drink the beer together." Really it was just an excuse to not get brushed off.

"Alright, but don't you drink too much, babe. You could get hurt." He then squeezed my cheeks between his hand, making me blush.

I about died when Cory and Shawn peed on a cop car on the way home, quickly having to look the other way to avoid seeing anything. They were definitely wasted as we ran off, now just strolling on the sidewalk. I bit my lower lip as Shawn cutely did a hand stand and walked on it, hating how he was adorable even now. Unfortunately we got busted when the same police car found us, Shawn and Cory holding a beer can in their hand since they had given a guy money to buy drinks for them.

We were all taken to the Matthews house, and I just wanted to disappear as Cory's dad yelled at us, but I couldn't stand the way he was attacking Shawn.

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