Chapter 9: Model Couple

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I walked into the lodge with Shawn's hand in mine, us on a school field trip for skiing.

"I just don't think I can really ski, Shawn. I'm not athletic and I'm scared of hurting myself." I rubbed my opposite arm as he shook his head.

"Don't worry, I've got it covered," he promised, making me knit my eyebrows together in confusion.

"It's too bad I didn't hurt my ankle instead of Cory. He was really looking forward to skiing with Topanga."

"Hey, don't say that. I don't want you to have a hurt ankle. Trust me, you're going to be glad you came."

"Why? Because of your elaborate plan for me to sneak into your room at night?" I raised an eyebrow as he just stared at me for a couple of seconds before blinking.

"No, but if you want to swing by..."

I gently pushed his chest as he cutely grinned and tucked his hair behind his ear. "I'll be glad to swing by as long as there's no funny business. Just cuddles and maybe some hot chocolate?"

"Okay," he agreed with another award winning smile, causing my face to flush.

"Where are we going," I wondered since we had snuck off from the rest of the class down a different snowy path.

"You'll see," he stated, grasping my glove covered hand before we stopped in front of an ice skating rink. "I like this better anyway," he nonchalantly shrugged.

"You're the best." I reached up on my tippy toes, blushing when he got the hint and lowered himself to meet his lips with mine. I parted before he could get too carried away.

"Hey, my lips were just starting to warm up," he claimed.

"Mhm, well they can get warmer later when we have our hot chocolate." I tugged on his arm as he tilted his head before following me, us gliding across the frozen body of water. We had rented skates, and I was more wobbly than usual since they didn't have my size. I had opted for the bigger ones, but I kept getting scared I was going to slip out of them. I think Shawn was secretly enjoying it though, biting his lower lip as I held onto him. I clutched onto his thick coat, lifting my eyes to his after almost toppling over again.

"You are so pretty," he softly said, that endearing grin back.

I ducked my head shyly as we soon decided to leave for hot chocolate early. Later that evening we sat with Cory and Topanga as we answered questions from a book.

"If you could use an animal to describe your significant other, what would it be and why," Topanga read.

"I would have to say a fox, because you're sly and clever and super cute," I gushed to Shawn, him biting his lower lip as he looked over at me.

"Seriously? A fox? Why not a lion or something? Or a falcon like Cory over there?"

"What animal would I be to you," I asked instead.

"A bunny, because that's what I see every time I'm with you. A cute, little bunny."

"How can you complain about us being gross when you two are worse," Topanga interrupted.

"Because you have been going out for years, while Kimberly and I are newly weds." Shawn made a face after realizing what he just said as he held onto me after pulling me on his lap.

"I think what he means is, we're still in the honeymoon phase." Now it was my turn to make a face since I hadn't described it exactly right either.

"No, I think I would remember the honeymoon phase," Shawn claimed, me nuzzling my nose into his neck shyly.

It was weird how Cory started laughing a lot when Lauren showed up. She was a worker there, but he almost acted like he had a crush on her.

I was hurrying by Mr. Feeny's room right before bed when I heard his voice. "Where are you going Miss Kelley? I believe your room is in the other direction," he pointed out.


I faked a smile as I pulled my knees to my chest on my bed, just sitting there and missing Shawn. That's when I heard a light knock on my door, beaming when it ended up being my boyfriend.

"Hey, where were you," he whispered before he shut it.

"Feeny caught me." I held my arms out for him, causing him to smile as he brought me into his embrace after joining me. "Do you think Cory and Topanga are okay?"

"Yeah, why?" He looked over at me as focused my attention on my pillow.

"No reason."

Shawn had been wrong though, since Topanga found a note from Lauren to Cory when we were leaving. That was when major changes happened, and they weren't for the better.

Valentine's Day was coming up and while Topanga and Cory were broken up, Shawn was planning the perfect night for us. I was approached by a few girls in the hall after he left, them telling me how he couldn't be trusted. I brushed off their negative words though, but I started getting nervous when Shawn literally didn't show up for our date. I found him handcuffed with both his wrists up on separate poles in a boat house, the girls thinking they were saving me. Shawn eventually made a heart touching speech though about how he said things he wanted to feel with the girls, since he was searching for what Cory and Topanga had.

"And I don't want to not show up for Valentine's day with you, because..."

"Because you really care about me," I asked to finish his sentence.

"Don't make me say it. All I know is that being friends first is important in a relationship, and I'm glad we started out with that, friendship."

My face lit up as I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him close as we swayed from side to side.

Later in the week when it was obvious Topanga and Cory weren't getting back together, I found myself up in Shawn's apartment. He was lying straight on his back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"I can't believe Cory and Topanga are still not together."

"I know."

"If they can't work things out, then who can?"

I looked down at him as his blue eyes flickered up to mine, giving him a weak smile. "We'll find a way to work things out, Shawn. To be honest, if you had gone out with another girl and realized I was the right one, I would have gotten back with you."

"Really? How come?" He sat up as he placed his arms around his bent up knees, his gaze focused over on me.

"Because I know your heart, Shawn, and no matter what the girls from your past say, you're a great guy. And I'm crazy about you. It would be more painful to stay away."

"You're too good to me. You know that, right?" He chewed on his lower lip before releasing it, me brushing my thumb over his cheek.

"I just... I know you don't want to say it yet, but I can't keep it a secret anymore. I love you, Shawn."

"I love you too," he quietly said, vaguely smiling before leaning forward for a soft peck.

"I really hope that Cory and Topanga get together, but even if they don't, I'll always be your Kimberly. Maybe we aren't the original model couple, but I think we're just as great just in a different way."

"I think so too." His voice was still gentle as a small smile stretched across my lips. "It's kind of a lot of pressure being the new Cory and Topanga." He looked down as he pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek for a moment.

"Hopefully the old Cory and Topanga will be back with us soon."

"Yeah." He barely nodded once before bringing me into his arms, giving me cuddles that still gave me butterflies after all this time.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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