Chapter 21 ✔️

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TW: Gory scenes ahead! (mild-ish?)


Enemy wolves.

The ground shifted beneath me as I whirled, searching the area for any glowing eyes. Their chalky scents and low snarls were coming from every direction, and with a gut-wrenching dread I realized we'd been surrounded.

Azriel had warned me about this. He had warned me how vulnerable this territory was. And yet here I was, in the middle of the forest, leagues away from the only thing that could protect me. 

"Form formation!" Olcan barked, though I could hear the fear in his voice. Judging by the armada of scents and relentless growls, there seemed to be many stranger wolves -- many more than us rookies could take on.

For a moment I found myself wondering what they'd done to get here. Had they killed some of us Southerners already at the outposts Azriel had mentioned? Worse yet, were they planning on striking the court once they were finished with us? I pushed the thought out of my head. 

Within seconds, the four had formed a tight formation. I sloppily joined them at the head. 

"Raina, protect Susi, she hasn't learnt how to turn yet!" the boy commanded. Raina nodded, and I watched in shock as Raina, Olcan and Ulric morphed into wolves. I could hear their bones clicking and cracking, the toll of the transformation heard by the painful groans that escaped their mouths. Though the pain did not dampen their drive. Within seconds they were surrounding Susi, who was quivering in her human form.

"Kyra!" the dark-brown wolf called. It took me a moment to realise it was Olcan. His orange eyes glowed superficially as they regarded me.

"Get behind Ulric and Raina, they'll protect you!"

In my state of shock, all I could do was nod. I scrambled into the tight formation the three wolves had formed. Susi was shaking, a silver lining her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her in an attempt to reassure her, but I wasn't sure it had the intended effect with my clammy skin and trembling hands. 

I watched Olcan take a few steps forward, hackles raised as he scanned the surroundings. I wasn't sure of his skill, but with my own lack lack of skill I could only hope it was enough to get us out of this.

Just then, several wolves jumped out the undergrowth before us. They were large -- much larger than the adolescent wolves at my side, anyways. I noticed that their furs were predominately dark greys and blacks, eyes an array of red and oranges and golds. Their arms and legs were bulked and muscular, and I could feel the earth shaking with every step they took. They looked every bit like the matured wolves back at the court. The lanky forms of the children couldn't compare. I watched in horror as they snarled towards Olcan.

Just then, two more wolves jumped out behind us. We whirled, Raina and Ulric scrambling to the rear. The two wolves snarled, their red eyes alight with hunger. Raina and Ulric snarled back, but even I could detect the uncertainty in the growls. It seemed we all knew it.

We were hopelessly outnumbered.

I stood there beside Susi, my arms hovering in anticipation for attack. I had no form of defense -- no knives, no guns, and I didn't even know how to Turn. 

Then, it started. One of the wolves launched for Olcan. Surprisingly, the boy's guard held, and he even managed to throw the beast to the side. The victory was short lived, however, as the two other wolves shot for him. Just then, the wolves at the rear shot for Raina, and I felt all blood drain from my face. Time slowed, and I watched on hopelessly as we were attacked from all angles, the thumps and snarls a deafening melody of impending doom. 

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