Chapter 57

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I'd awoken to an empty bed that morning.

I propped myself into a sitting position, yawning next to Azriel's empty spot. It was to be expected – Azriel had told me he'd need time to explain what was happening to Alia, or at least put her under some sort of glamour to prevent any panic.

I shivered. I didn't like to call it a kidnapping – she was free to leave if she wished, after all. Still, I hoped what Azriel had said would be right – that this event wouldn't affect her negatively.

Slipping out of bed, I threw on a minidress and flats before heading down the spiral stairs. People greeting me as I wandered along the corridors, but I only half-acknowledged their courtesies. I only had one destination in mind, and one only.

It was only when I entered the near-empty courtyard, standing before a wooden trapdoor did I swallow. The last time I'd been down here was when the court was attacked.

I pushed away the thoughts as I lifted the door, its weight surprisingly light. Slowly, I crawled down, thankful for the lack of people out and about as I sealed the lit shut above me.

Fortunately, the torch brackets were lit, and I could see the glistening cobblestones as I made my way down the stairs. I breathed in the mildew air, careful not to slip as I made my way down. I understood that we couldn't have the rest of the court seeing we'd bought a human back, but was down here really any better?

I huffed a sigh. Alia would understand... hopefully.

I continued downwards, thankful for when the floors evened out and I didn't have to worry about slipping down cobblestone steps. I noticed the few gashes in the wall, and a thought occurred to me: had enemies made their way down here before? What if they still knew of its existence? I shuddered.

I walked down the echoing corridor, trying not to acknowledge the eeriness of the space. Once I'd reached the archway at the end, the one Ariel told me he'd be behind, I finally let out a sigh of relief.  

I couldn't see much at first. The room was dim, and if it weren't for the sputtering candles upon a stone altar, I wouldn't have been able to see anything at all. my eyes adjusted, and that's when I noticed a few people were in the room -- Azriel, his Zeta, a few Gammas... and Alia!

I gasped as my eyes locked onto the brunette. She was sleeping soundly, propped up against the cold cobble wall. Her glasses were tilted at an angle, and I was thankful for the absence of marks on her face. That could only mean Azriel got her here safely.

I ran over, but before I could reach her side Azriel stuck his hand out. "Slow down, my love," he chuckled. "We had to put her under a little werewolf glamour so she wouldn't panic. When we approached her, she definitely seemed like the panicky type."

I swallowed, nodding. I was sure once Alia got her memory back and saw my familiar face, she would feel fine.

At least I hoped.

Just then, Alia's face stirred. A small sound rumbled from her throat and her face scrunched.

"She's waking up," Azriel muttered, taking my hand. "It's best we do this now, Kyra. The quicker we can make her remember you, the better."

I nodded, realizing how scary it would be for Alia if she woke up in a dim, cobbled room with several strangers. I should apologize to her after this.

I was aware of the others' eyes on us as Azriel led me over to my best friend's stirring form. Together, we lowered to our knees, and I had to resist reaching out to touch Alia's face. It had been so long, and she almost looked a bit... different.

Panic surged in me as Alia's eyes creaked open a tad, a strange sound coming from her throat before falling limp again. We had to do this now, before she woke up.

Reading my thoughts, Azriel gripped my hand tighter. "We'll make her remember in time," he assured. "Are you ready, Kyra?"

I nodded. I was more than ready.

"Alright. I'm about to guide you through the bond. You may feel a second presence, but do not panic -- it is normal."

I nodded, shutting my eyes, focusing on the point our hands met. For a few moments, nothing happened. Then, I felt a strange energy crawling up my arm, a darker energy. Azriel. It wasn't long until it flowed about my body, filling me up inside. Sure enough, I could feel a 'second presence' in my mind. It was faint, almost like a shadow on a backdrop, but there all the same.

'Alright, Kyra,' a voice slithered through my mind. It took me a moment to realize it was Azriel. 'I want you to lean towards Alia and place your hand on her forehead. I will do the rest.'

I nodded, leaning forward so my face was inches from hers. I stared at her for a few moments, memorizing those rosy cheeks, the creases beside her eyes that marked her smiley nature. Slowly, I put my hand to her forehead, and her eyes creaked open.

I panicked. She wouldn't remember me yet – what would I do? As she stared at me, eyes blank, I thought over every possible thing that would come out of her mouth, every last word. But when she opened her mouth, words I'd never imagined in a million years fell from her lips.

"Ky-Kyra?" she stammered.

My eyes widened. Within mere seconds, that faint presence from before exploded in my head, and I lost control. Dread fuelled me as I realized I no longer had any control over my body.

So there was nothing I could do as my body lurched forward, my canines sinking deep into Alia's shoulder. 



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