Chapter 26 ✔️

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The muffled melody of songbirds rang in my ears. Sunlight streamed through the gossamer curtains, glistening upon the polished floor. It was cold despite the sun already being a ways above the horizon. Winter was on the way, and with it came those awful chills. I'd had the false impression that living in a fantasy forest would somehow spare me to the cruel change in seasons, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Even so, the cold couldn't dampen my spirit. I leaped out of bed, barring towards the ensuite with a spring in my step. Today held a milestone for me. Today, I would be permitted to duel with the others. After countless hours spent with Zion, he'd finally decided was ready to take the next big step in werewolf training: the fighting.

I tumbled into the bathroom. But of course, this was Zion; I was still required to do one private lesson to ensure that I was ready, which would mean skipping breakfast. That didn't matter much to me, though. The excitement bubbling in my chest was enough to mask the hunger.

I smirked, palming the brush on the vanity. It was odd to think that no more than a month ago, Zion and I had been at each other's throats. Sure, at times we still were, and he still had that vexing aspect to him, but something had improved -- a feat I didn't think was possible. It seemed we'd learned to tolerate each other a bit more, and I wouldn't go so far as to call it friendship, but it was certainly an improvement to what we once were.

I thought back. Thankfully, nothing major in terms of attacks had happened over the past month. It seems they'd dialed down on the attacks ever since they landed that big blow on us. I'd later learned that the leader of that attack had been the Western Court, and the leader the Western Alpha -- the same one who had bitten me.

I frowned. I wanted to know more about him. All I knew were his looks: red eyes and matted grey fur. other than that, I was left with more questions than I had answers. I wanted to know why he'd bitten me and, well, why he'd bitten me? And why didn't he try to take me to his court? Surely I would have been just as worthy an asset there as I was here, right? 

Pushing the thoughts out of my head, I spared a glance in the mirror. Not only had my werewolf abilities improved, but so had my looks. I looked so much... better. Hell, I had looks that would put Jane to shame. My hair had volume, the black strands catching the light in strange ways. My skin looked better -- I had next-to-no acne, and it almost looked to be glowing. And my eyes...

God, I never thought they could look so mesmerizing.

The dull slate-grey had become a beautiful deep storm cloud, energy roiling within silver flecks rimming my iris -- a feature I had failed to notice before. They contained that ethereal glow I had envied others for.

Raina had told me it was the Lunar Magic working wonders on my body. Initially, I'd called her bluff, insisting it was part of some strange placebo. However, I was soon forced to reconsider my beliefs when I noticed the shift in temperament from the others. I'd noticed more heads turning my way, and not in hostility. I also hadn't heard the 'ugly' insult in a while.

I set down my brush. In fact, I hadn't heard any insults in a while. People still glared at me and whispered behind my back, but they weren't so up-front about it. Well, with the exception of the Thetas -- they antagonized me as badly as they always had. 

Funnily enough, many of the Omegas had come to like me. Maybe it was because I sat at their table every now and again, or that I had saved a few of their ranks. Even so, it was a privilege I wouldn't take for granted. 

A knock sounded at my door. Raina. Quickly, I brushed my teeth and washed up, excited to rave on about the events of today. Raina and I had become quite close -- well, as close as two could become over such a small period. She didn't need to escort me anymore, for I knew my way around the palace, but I enjoyed her company anyways. 

Padding across the polished floors, I opened the door. There, standing at my frame, was Raina. Her hair had been done up in a messy bun, pins holding down the voluminous locks that begged to spring out. Her emerald eyes glimmered as they met mine, a warm smile upon her face.

"Kyra!" she greeted, stepping aside so I could get through. "How was your sleep?"

"It was good," I drew out the last syllable, eyeing her as we walked down the hallways. A smirk passed her face.

"Were you dreaming about Azriel?"

My heart stuttered, but I quickly recovered with a dry laugh. "God, no -- I haven't seen that man in well over a month. Hell, I've probably forgotten what he looks like now."

Raina shook her head with a chuckle. "Well, you are right; he has been gone a while. But I guess it's what to expect as a leader: errand after errand. I think it's safe to say it's not an easy life."

I nodded with a smile, but I couldn't help the painful twist in my stomach. Azriel and I hadn't spoken much since our last time together. We would exchange brief greetings in passing, but that was about it. With me settling in, and Zion taking care of me, I assumed it was time for him to resume his usual life.

I frowned. I still missed him, though.

Within minutes we'd made our way into the courtyard. Once we were within the lobby, I came to an abrupt halt. Raina gave me a questioning look.

"I forgot to mention," I stammered, cursing myself. I'd spent so much time thinking about Azriel, I'd forgotten to tell her about my lesson. "I'm having a private session with Lord Zion -- I'll have to forgo breakfast."

For a moment, disappointment flashed across Raina's face, but she quickly masked it with a smile.

"Tell Susi and Ulric I said hi, alright?" I called, starting to make my way down the right hall. "Oh, and tell Olcan that he can have his book back! I've read it already."

Raina nodded, and within moments she was lost in the crowd filtering into the dining room. I broke into a quick pace as I made my way down the vast halls, pleased to find they were mostly empty.

After much walking, I finally happened upon the large archway that lead outside. Without another thought, I stepped outside.

The sky was clear blue, white-flossed clouds dragged along its canvas by the gentle, cool winds. Perspiration sparkled upon the soft grasses, and I shivered as my soles made contact with the icy wet. People strode in and out of the canvas tents, yelling each other around as they prepared for expeditions into the forest. 

And there, standing in the middle of it all, stood Zion. He shot me a grin. "Ah, Epsilon, about time!"

I chuckled, allowing myself a moment to revere in the dewy lick of grass over my soles. It wasn't as cold now. "You're looking awfully happy today, Zion."

"Lord, Zion," he corrected, a slight edge to his tone. A devious grin tugged at his lips. "And yes, I must admit I'm quite looking forward to seeing you fight."



~ 𝕧𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕤, 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 + 𝕔𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 ~

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