Chapter 32

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After my argument with Azriel, the silence of the infirmary had become unbearable. I only lasted a few hours before I demanded Dr. Hershel permit me back to my chambers, which after much convincing he relented to. 

I was lying on my bed, kicking my legs up idly when a knock sounded at my door. I had been so consumed by thought that I hadn't heard it the first time, and it was only the second knock that caught my attention. I wondered who would want to see me now, after everything that had happened.

My organs liquified. What if Zion was behind that door, getting ready for another round of tongue-lashing? Or what if it was Azriel, bearing news that I must leave the pack immediately? You deserved the latter, I thought miserably. When the knock sounded again, I got up, shuffling towards the door. I figured there was no point in delaying my doom.

I palmed the knob, its cold tantalizing touch doing nothing to calm my racing heart. Slowly, I opened the door, surprised to find who was waiting there. My jaw dropped.

"Raina?" I sputtered, gawking at the golden-haired girl in disbelief. She nodded, looking slightly confused by my reaction. "I-- I thought you had been sent to the outpost with the others!"

Her green eyes widened momentarily before she shook her head with a regretful sigh. 'Not me," she muttered. "I've been selected to stay in the Court. It means that I--" she trailed off, swallowing. "It was luck of the draw. Omegas and Thetas are often to made to rotate about the territory in our lifetime; we rarely come back to the court. I guess I was lucky to be chosen to remain here -- for now at least."

I nodded, eyes stinging. I blinked back my tears, stepping aside to let Raina in. She nodded, and by the way she stared at the ground, I wondered if she was holding back her own tears, too. 

For a while, we stood in silence. There was a certain heaviness in the air, a crippling sadness that wrung my gut painfully. Unable to take it, I sat at the foot of my bed, plastering a fake smile to my face as I regarded Raina. "I assume you heard?"

Raina nodded, smiling despite the sadness in her eyes. "Yes, I heard... the whole court knows..."

I bit the inside of my cheek, and Raina glanced down again. I hadn't forgotten the wary stares that had been sent my way during my trek to this room. I had gotten so used to everyone's kindling acceptance, that it gave me whip-lash being stared at like an alien again. Not only had I destroyed my relationships with the two most powerful men here, but I had ruined my reputation as well.

"I think you did the right thing," Raina muttered. I glanced up, shocked. "Azure deserved it," she continued, holding my gaze this time. "She needed to be put in her place. She treats everyone like dirt, especially us Omegas. I'm glad you handed her ass to her, I really am."

If it weren't for the determined gleam in her eyes, I may have just thought she'd been saying it to make me feel better. I simply nodded, staring at my clasped hands. 

Silence ensued again.

"Did you fall out with Zion?"

"And Azriel," I added. Raina gawked at me.

"What?" she stammered. "What happened?"

I shook my head, rubbing at the ache in my temples. "I got too carried away with my words," I explained, trying my all to fight the tightness in my throat. "I was angry, and I accidentally upset him. I really didn't mean it--"

I stopped, bottom lip quivering. Raina quickly rushed to my side and rubbed the small of my back. "He'll forgive you in good time, Kyra," Raina assured quietly. "You just need to give him space. Alphas have a lot of stressors, and they break sometimes, too."

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