Chapter 53

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Today was the day. Today, I would be crowned Luna of the Southern Court.

And to say I was nervous would be an understatement. 

I'd woken early from a restless sleep and spent the best of the morning pacing around my room, periodically going to examine my dress which had been hung up on one of the wall hooks. It glimmered, even with very little light in my room. Its beauty almost intimidated me. 

I had my doubts, of course. What if I wasn't fit to be their leader? What if I wasn't ready to be their leader? And, most importantly, what if they didn't listen to me? What if I hadn't done enough to earn the court's respect?

I shook the latter from my head. Surely I'd done enough to earn their respect. I mean, look at how they treated me now compared to when I'd first got here. That had to count for something, right?

But the other part of me, the doubtful part, was convinced it was all a ruse, that these people put on fronts that didn't correlate to what they said behind closed doors. I supposed I would just have to hope for the best. After all, there was nothing I could do now.

But that wasn't the only thing that was bothering me. Zion's words still hung over me like a dark cloud, and the fact that he hadn't visited since kept me on edge. Then again, it was custom that a Luna not be visited by anyone other than the bridesmaid the day before the ritual -- not even her own mate. Still, the look on his face and odd behavior still unnerved me.

He's probably sick, I convinced myself. I'll go ask after him once the ritual is over. For now, I have to focus on myself--

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. Seconds later, Raina barged in, her barely-contained excitement palpable.

"Today's the day!" she sang, flying towards me with a big hug. "You're gonna rule  the court! I can't wait to do your face full with makeup!"

I gave her a weak smile when she pulled away. I rarely wore makeup back in the human world, mostly because it irritated my skin. But, I supposed that since I was a werewolf now, it wouldn't be the case.

Raina motioned for me to sit. I watched as she set down the large suitcase she'd been holding. She unfolded a lamp and held it before me, and I winced as its bright white light filled the space. She skipped over to the case and withdrew eye shadow pallets, brushes and other things I couldn't quite name. 

I shivered under the cold lick of the makeup brush as she applied foundation to my face. Every now and again, Raina would scorn me for scrunching my face or pulling away. Eventually, I got used to the makeup. She told me I'd look ten times dolled up, and if that were the case, then I was willing to wait out these weird sensations. 

We'd been sitting in comfortable silence for quite a while, and I found my mind drifting back to Zion. I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned for him. After many minutes of debate, I finally mustered the nerve to ask Raina, "Have you heard anything of Zion?"

She pulled back, giving me an odd look. "Yes, actually," she began. "Word is that he's contracted Wolven Flu, and he's been put into isolation for a week."

"What are the symptoms?" I asked, pretending to examine my nails so as to mask my growing concern.

"Uhm," she began. "Sore throat, fever, itchy eyes, all that."

"Does it cause anything neurotic to happen?"

She considered. "Sometimes. Why, did something happen?"

I went to shake my head, but remembering she was still applying my eyeshadow, resisted. "No -- he just seemed a little ill the other day, that's all."

"How close did he get to you?" She rushed, sounding suddenly concerned. "Wolven Flu doesn't spread easily, but close contact will do it."

"No, he didn't come into contact with me," I lied. "I just saw him from afar, is all."

She nodded, and we sat in silence for a little while longer. I was about to ask her how far along we were when she finally pulled back, shooting me a large smile. "Gosh, Kyra, you look gorgeous."

I rolled my eyes. "Right..."

I was shut up when she shoved a mirror in my face, and I felt alarm bells going off in my head. For a moment, I didn't recognize the person in the mirror. Who is she?

But of course, the girl in the mirror was me. I looked beautiful already, but whatever Raina had done to me made me look... immaculate. My lips were full and pink, matching the faint pink bush which had been applied to my cheeks. My skin seemed to glow under the light as I turned my head this way and that, accentuating features I would never toss a second glance at otherwise. My lashes were thick and full along with my brows, and the silver eyeshadow was just perfect!

"Raina..." I began, touching my face in disbelief. "It's perfect... where did you learn to do that?"

She gave me a cocky smile and a shrug. "Self-taught. Now, enough ogling. We have to get you into your dress!"

After many more minutes of fussing and tugging, we'd finally managed to get the dress on me. I couldn't stop admiring my reflection in the mirrors, loving the way the dress hugged my body, the way that the silver eyeshadow complimented the material of the dress. 

After a few moments of silence, Raina held out her hand. "Are you ready?" She asked quietly. I nodded, taking her hand in my own. I was more than ready. 

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