Chapter 27

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He strode towards me, green eyes narrowing. "You know the drill, Epsilon: draw in the magic."

I nodded, closing my eyes. I sensed the magic all around me, thrumming in the air. I beckoned it towards me; commanding it. Once it was drummed against my skin, I allowed it to leech in, careful not to let it bombard me. The magic seeped through my pores, thundering through my blood, and as much as I wanted t let it all in, I had to control the flow.

This was perhaps one of the most technical skills to master. It was very difficult to draw in Lunar Magic without giving in to the urge to Turn. Zion had started teaching me how to master it right after I had the Turning down. After many arguments and dozens more failed attempts, I'd finally mastered it. 

But that didn't mean it was easy.

I jolted as a mass of magic slammed into me, the urge to turn into a wolf ripping the air from my chest in a loud gasp. 

"Regain control, Epsilon," came Zion's steady voice. "You control the magic; it does not control you."

I nodded, calming the racing beat of my heart. I waited until warm energy thrummed through my veins, my mind clearing of any thoughts and urges that beckoned for me to become wolf. Then, I opened my eyes. Zion was staring at me with raised brows.

"Ah, would you look at that," he remarked. I shook slightly at the energy that tore through me, but Zion didn't seem to notice. He shot me a cynical half-smile. "You want to be able to do that in today's duel, though; if you revert to human state and get clobbered, well, that's on you."

I rolled my golden eyes. I'd only learned a few days ago what my werewolf eye color was -- bright gold with electric-yellow flecks. Zion had told me he'd never seen anything like it but, if I was honest they just looked like a brighter version of his.  "I think I can handle myself, Lord  Zion," I drawled, smirking as he frowned at the emphasis. "Besides, my control's been fine thus far; nothing can go wrong now."

"You say that," he muttered, slightly disgruntled. He glanced behind me, nodding towards the archway. "The other Thetas will be here soon, Epsilon. I have paired you with someone who I believe will put that ego back in check."

"What ego?" I snapped back. Zion smirked. I folded my arms. "I'm sorry, Lord Zion, but I believe you have a much larger ego than me."

He barked a laugh. "Because I've earnt this ego, Epsilon. You must remember your place in the pack; you're a Theta, I'm a Beta. Very different statuses. Very different egos."

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Yeah -- that's all well and good until your head can't fit through the door."

He scowled, eyes clouding with confusion. I smirked when realization lit up his features, quickly followed by that of usual annoyance. "Don't get too cocky, Epsilon," he warned. "Though you have shown improvement, you are still a ways away from where we need you to be. Time's ticking, and you can't be wasting that precious time dawdling."

I rolled my eyes despite the anxiety that surged at his remark. He was right -- the court hadn't been attacked in a month, so who knew what was coming next? Something big, I'd wager, but would I be ready?

I looked up towards the sun, which was further into the sky now. Time's ticking, I reminded myself. And you're in a race against it...

"Anyways, Lord Zion," I started, desperate to change the subject. "Who am I dueling with today?"

I sensed his smirk rather than seeing it, dread pooling in my gut before he even had an inch to speak. "Your partner will be Azure."

My eyes snapped open. I gasped as I lost control of the magic, its essence spilling out every inch of me. I whirled to Zion who was, in fact, smirking. "What?"

"I figured she'd be good for you," he said with raised brows. "She's one of the best in the class; I'd say she's a worthy opponent."

I opened and closed my mouth. Azure had hated me from the moment I'd set foot in this court. I knew she wanted me dead the moment her pretty blue eyes battered towards me. If everyone else had warmed up to me, then she was the glaring exception. She wasted no opportunities to hedge a snide remark, or knock me over by 'accident'.

I swallowed. And now she would be allowed to fight me? I swayed on my feet.

"You look pale, Epsilon," Zion drawled with a smirk. "Something wrong?"

I shook my head, shooting him a glare. "No," I ground out.


He simply gave me that annoying half-smile. Then, he nodded towards the archway. "Look, a few of them are coming now".

I whirled, my heartbeat rising to my throat. I watched as people spilled out the archway, their blue Peltas billowing in the wind as they chattered amongst each other. My eyes darted wildly about them, searching for that damned face. 

It wasn't long before I found her, and with chilling realization, I recognized that she had found me first. I swallowed, my eyes locked helplessly upon hers, a devious grin passing her features.

My head whipped towards Zion. I shot him my meanest glare, but that damned smirk of his did not waver. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to slap him.

Prick!  I thought again.

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