Chapter 45

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Zion's P.O.V

I hadn't attended Moonfall that night, not when I knew I couldn't go with her. No, because she was going with him.

I'd seen their little exchange the other day; their kiss. I knew Kyra loved him simply by the way she looked at him: that doe-like look that sparkled with pure adoration.

A sight that put a spear through my heart. 

If it wasn't for the screaming, the stench of smoke and blood, I would've remained in my chambers all night long.

It was mayhem. People were scrambling left and right; some engaged in battle, while others were being downright mauled. I'd looked high and low for Kyra, battling enemy wolf and saving my own as I did so, but I hadn't found her anywhere. 

Suddenly, the wolves had begun running away, and I knew why when I'd heard the earth-splitting roar. Kyra. She was beautiful -- beautiful and deadly. Her black fur glowed its indigo tint in the dim moonlight; her eyes a bright violet as she became consumed with emotional energy. Her form was muscular and lithe, easily bigger than Azriel's or mine.

I'd watched her attack the enemy wolf, and I had never seen something so barbaric -- not in my 150 years of existence. So barbaric, yet so beautiful. She'd flitted around like a deadly force, demanding terror wherever she went, pinning enemies on their backs and killing them without a second thought. I'd stared with the others, watching in awe as this deadly movie played out. 

At one point, she'd killed a wolf who'd reverted to human form, begging for mercy. It was only then that I started to feel slightly sick. This isn't Kyra, I'd told myself. This isn't the kind girl I know; this is a beast. Something of pure wrath and rage. 

It was too much; she was killing too many, spilling too much blood. Part of me wanted to protect her; she was too innocent for this, too young. But who was I to intervene? I'd told her the rules: kill or be killed, and she was doing a damn good job.

But it still didn't sit right with me. I'd killed many men, too, but this wasn't Kyra. This wasn't the girl who had cried in my arms; the girl who smiled at my witty remarks before sending ones of her own; the girl who insisted she sit with omegas despite the classist mindset of the Thetas. This was another creature entirely; one that demanded terror where she walked, one that would take no prisoners.

But maybe it was the way it was meant to be. Even so, my heart ached. 

Then, as quickly as it started, it stopped. An ugly screech ripped from her throat as she collapsed and shrunk, visible steam rolling off her body. Blood drained from my face, and within moments I was rushing over. I'd never seen a Burnout happen -- not with my own eyes. I'd heard of them -- an event that occurs when a wolf exerts too much magic -- but I'd never seen one myself.

But I did know that oftentimes, Burnouts were deadly.

I'd arrived at her side. Her chest was rising and falling erratically; her breathing strained and wheezed. Azure was hovering over her form, trying to heal Kyra as she sobbed hysterically. Azriel was nearby, his eyes lined with silver as he yelled for more medics. 

I'd collapsed to my knees, grabbing her clammy hand in my own. It burned to the touch, but I persisted through the pain. This pain was nothing compared to hers, not at that moment.

I'm so sorry I let this happen, I thought, biting back tears. I hated how beautiful she looked, even so close to death. The way her eyes fluttered, how her hair was draped across her body -- it made my heart twist.

I clutched her hand harder. It was wrong of us to put the weight of the court on her -- so wrong. I realized that now, and I got the feeling Azriel did, too. 

But, without her, we'd be nothing.

I'm sorry, I thought again. 

"My mate," I finished aloud, bowing my head. Amid the chaos, no one heard my words, but I could've sworn something twitched in Kyra's face -- almost in response. 

I gripped her hand tighter, ignoring the red-hot pain of her skin on mine. You've saved us all, I thought. But at what cost?


heheh we do a little trolling... and dw this isn't going to turn into a badly-written love triangle lol

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