Chapter 61

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Aside from the few muttered words from Zion, there was very little to break the silence of the cells. I found myself growing hungrier with every hour I resisted the food, and many times I debated giving in.

But I didn't. If I did, I would be handing Azriel yet another small victory. I couldn't do that, even if he had victory over almost every other aspect of my life -- my pride would not allow it. Even so, my spirit was dimming, and the worse was still yet to come. 

So, when another sound filled the chambers, one that wasn't from neither Zion nor I, my heart lit up with hope for the first time in a while.

"Alia?" I whispered, my voice hoarse but hopeful. I knew this much hunger and isolation was enough make me hallucinate, and kick off my first descent to madness, but I had to hear her voice. I had to believe it was real.

Just then, a stirring came from the cell opposite mine, along with a low groan. I watched like a hawk as the dark bundle gathered from slumber, sitting herself upright as she asked, "Where am I?"

I bit back a sob. It was Alia, all right. I could even picture that clueless look on her face, even with her being shrouded in darkness.

"Alia, it's me, Kyra," I whisper-shouted, afraid someone was listening in.


"Yes, that's me!" I said again, barely containing my joy. Zion remained silent, but I sensed he was listening in

"Where am I? Where are we?" She asked, the dread in her voice making my heart sink. That initial excitement dwindled, replaced instead by that festering hopelessness that had been eating me alive these past couple of days. 

"Alia, I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I'm so sorry for dragging you into this mess. I swear, if I could go back and change things, I would."


"Kyra, what are you talking about? What's going on?" She asked, her voice shaking. I swallowed the hard lump in my throat.

"We've been locked up, Alia," I said slowly, hating every word. "We-- you weren't supposed to get caught up in this mess. But please, give me a moment to explain everything."

I listened out for a reply, and all I received was silence. I took that as my cue to continue.

"I was turned into a werewolf, Alia. That night at Sienna's party. I... I know this is hard to believe -- trust me, I know -- but I transformed into a werewolf, fangs and claws and everything. I went into the forest where I stumbled upon this court. It was like something out of a fairy tale!

"I wanted to come back to the human world, Alia, I really did. But the werewolf curse causes a human with any recollection of you will forget. I didn't believe it at first, and I did try to come back, really... but not even my own mom remembered me. So I... I had no other choice than to live life here."

I stopped, the echoes of my voice bounding eerily throughout the chamber, as though mocking the stupidity of my words. For some time, I eagerly awaited Alia's answer -- the screaming, the questions, the injustice. None of it came. 

No, because what she said was a lot worse, "Kyra, I never forgot about your existence."

It felt like someone had knocked me upside the head with a frying pan.

"What?" I stammered, feeling my face drain of colour. I could even feel Zion's apprehension at her remark. 

"Yeah..." she continued, "it was odd. One day, everyone knew your name. The next, every hint of you was gone, you along with it. At first I thought it was some sick prank, because none of the girls seemed to remember your existence. It was only when I asked your parents did I realise that... Oh God, Kyra, it was horrible!"

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