Chapter 44

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Time seemed to still. All I could feel was the stiffness of Azriel's body over me, the coldness in the air, the dread that seemed to build with every second past.

Screaming tore through the clearing again, along with a couple of other yells. Azriel jumped off me in an instant, and if I wasn't so fearful, I may have been disappointed that he'd done so. 

He turned to me, lifting me to my knees and grabbing both my hands as he knelt. He bought my face close to his. "Kyra, you have to stay here okay?" his voice sounded raspy, and it took me a moment to realize he was desperate. The realization sent a chill down my spine as much as it twisted my heart. "Promise me? I know you may think you're ready to fight this, but I can't risk losing you. I know I sound selfish but... but please..."

He was begging -- begging me, and I just couldn't say no. So I nodded, and taking that as word enough, he quickly shifted into his werewolf form and bounded out the clearing, leaving me in the wake of my own shock.

I let out a shuddering breath as I stood, the screaming and yelling slightly distorted in my ears. Just moments ago, I had loved the darkness that Moonfall had bought, but now it just seemed eerie. I wanted to go out there and to see what was going on -- I needed to. Raina could be out there, and she might need my help.

It only took a few moments of debate before I'd made up my mind. Though I felt guilty about breaking Azriel's swift promise, I could only imagine the guilt I'd feel if something happened to Raina. So, shifting into my werewolf form I raced back to the castle grounds. 

The chaos became louder in my ears as I approached. By the time I reached the tree line, I was forced to stop, a gasp ripping from my throat. 

The scene was devastating. Tents had been set alight, their heat palpable from even all the way over there. People and wolves alike ran in all directions, and it took me a moment to realize some were pursuing whilst others were running. I watched as wolves pounced upon wolves, and people, ripping into them with a kind of vigor that made my insides churn. 

I scanned the area, searching for any sight of Azriel or Raina. They were nowhere to be found. I didn't know what the hell had happened or what the hell was going on, but all I knew was that I had to protect the defenseless at all costs. 

Just then I spied a frantic Omega running before me, a larger wolf in pursuit. Without another thought I took off, my paws pounding the ground as I closed in on the assailant. I watched in horror as the wolf tackled the Omega to the ground, readying his claws to slice skin. A roar of desperation escaped me as I barreled into the wolf, and for a precious moment, his attention diverted to me.

It was all I needed.

I wasted no element of surprise as I sunk my teeth into the other wolf's neck. I held him there for a few seconds, waiting until he stopped struggling. Gore slipped through my maw, and I shivered at the metallic tang it bought. I turned towards the Omega, who was just lying there, shocked. 

"Go, into the forest!" I barked, my voice coming out as a guttural growl. The youngster nodded and it wasn't long until he was lost in the thicket of undergrowth.

I returned my attention ahead. I could feel the desperation inside me, the fear as I watched people of my own pack getting attacked. I felt the energy drumming against the inside of my skin, begging me to let it out. But I knew I couldn't -- if I lost control, what good would I be to my friends? My pack?

So, I continued to fight. It all passed in a blur -- one minute I'd be fighting off a werewolf from a fragile Omega, and the next I'd be fighting back-to-back with other Thetas. I sustained a lot of injuries, and the bite one of them had landed on my shoulder was killing me, but I knew I had to keep going; I just had to.

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