Chapter 24

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Zion was right. As he'd predicted, my recovery had been speedy, and within several days I had already been discharged from the infirmary.

Having free-reign of the court was a relief, especially since it provided an escape from my vexxing thoughts. In the infirmary, with nothing but florescent lights and the smell of pharmtcutiles for comfort, thoughts were my only company.

I'd found myself thinking of Zion a-lot, as well as Azriel's words. I still found it hard to believe such a brutish person such as himself could have been bullied. Hell, he seemed like the type to bite someone's head off the moment they said anything marginally disrespectful. Not to mention he was the second-highest rank in the pack. It just didn't seem... possible.

Despite the distractions of the court, my thoughts continued to pester me long after I'd left the infirmary. Desperate for a better distraction, I'd gone to sought-out my Omega friends. I hadn't seen much of them, aside from the times they'd visited my ward — and even then I'd been half-asleep.

I was soon wandering the inner courtyard, hoping to see any of them around. I knew the courtyard was popular among the youngsters, for whatever reason. Strangely enough, they weren't there, and even-stranger were the looks that were thrown my way. They still reeked of hostility, for sure, but there was another element to them — something I hadn't noticed before, or rather had been lack thereof.

Something was off, for sure, but I couldn't quite place my finger on it. Whenever I caught their glares, they would quickly look down or shuffle away in haste. Sometimes they refused to look at me at all, instead straining to keep their eyes the other way. Weirded out by this strange behaviour, I was about to exit the courtyard when two people in forest-green Peltas approached me. They looked a little older than my companions -- at least seventeen. They regarded me strangely.

They paused a few feet before me, and for a few moments we stood in tense silence. Then, to my great surprise, they both bowed their heads. "Thank you for saving our Sorors  and Fraters."

I stood there in shock. I wasn't quite sure what they were talking about, or why they were even talking to me, but before I had so much as an inch to open my mouth the two had already scampered off into the bustle of the courtyard.

I blinked. That was strange, for sure, but I didn't have much time to mull over the details before a familiar face peered out from behind one of the many arches.

I stilled. The male stepped into the yard, and I had never seen the light capture anyone's perfection to such degree. His black hair gleamed like strands of onyx, the sun a golden liquid dancing along its surface. The light cast shadows down his hard-cut features, over his sharp eyebrows perfect jawline. His azure eyes gleamed clear and bright, like blue waves of an eternal sea. His gaze caught me -- snared me -- in their eternal beauty, their immortality, and for a moment I forgot I was existing.

"Kyra!" he called, snapping me from my stupor. I blushed fiercely and looked away, wondering what the hell just happened.

"Hey," I stammered as he made his way over. People were watching us — both with curiosity and skepticism. I found that to be a common theme whenever I was around Azriel.

He paused a few steps before me, stealing my gaze once again. His midnight-black Pelta billowed in the wind, golden embroidery catching the light in mysterious ways. His black combat pants and slate-grey shirt matched his Stygian features, and something stirred in my gut as he smiled.

"I hope you didn't forget about our private lesson, Kyra," he joked. My back straightened.

"Of course not!" I stammered. I hadn't forgotten about it — not the slightest. In fact, it had been one of my most recurring thoughts, second to the whole thing with Zion. Even so, I hadn't expected it to be so soon.

Azriel chuckled, a coarse sound that rumbled out his throat. I fought the urge to blush again — though I didn't know if it was out of embarrassment or fluster.

"Come, we'll go now if you'd like -- at least while we still have the light."

He offered me his arm, and for a few moments I gawked. It seemed too intimate to be taking the Alpha's arm, let alone touching him. However, noting the stares of those around me, I quickly buried my doubts and hooked my arm in his own.

Azriel grinned. I quickly looked to the ground, desperate to hide the heat on my cheeks. I put it down to embarrassment as many eyes followed us out the courtyard, into the great halls beyond.

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