Chapter 25

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The sun was well into the sky. White-flossed clouds drifted across the clear blue, the sun's rays touching the lush grasses at our feet. The wind was gentle, bringing with it warm air from the East. I could smell the faint scent of wildflowers and old oak from the forest. Together, I and Azriel trekked towards the tree line on the other side of the field, weaving past the canvas tents and slate buildings.

As we reached the start of the undergrowth, I tossed a glance over my shoulder, taking in the palace behind us. Its spires stretched high into the sky, windows reflecting the sunlight like gold gems amidst a silver band.

"Has this been discovered by humans yet?" I asked, stepping over a thick tree root. "I mean, it's a huge castle in the middle of a forest; surely someone would have noticed it by now..."

Azriel gave me a half-smile. "I could see why you would think that, dear--"

"Kyra," I corrected with a smile. He chuckled.

"--Kyra. But there is an invisible barrier surrounding the whole forest."

My eyes widened. "A barrier?"

"Yes. It's part of the Wolven Blessing -- the same thing that wiped your parents' memories."

I grimaced, and a dull ache formed in my chest. Noticing my distress, Azriel rushed to change the subject, "Anyway, just as the memory-wipe keeps our existence secret, so does the barrier. I'm not quite sure how it works or what it does, but I've been told that if a human steps past the barrier, they will have the burning urge to turn back around."

I pondered. I recalled my bright crockery days of childhood, where I and a couple of other kids would always venture into the woods. There always seemed to be some point that the kids demanded to turn back, that they felt something was 'off'. I never felt it, though, but I would turn back anyways.

Silence ensued, and I returned my gaze ahead. Great oaks loomed before us, their wizened bark telling stories of yesteryear. Wildflowers sprung up at my feet, an array of colors amidst the green mass of the grasses. The sound of songbirds rang in my ears, accompanying the array of smells that met my nostrils.

It wasn't long before we reached a small clearing. Azriel came to a halt. "Here will do," he said, pushing past the line of undergrowth. I followed him, unsure as to what would happen next.

Slowly, he turned towards me, eyes gleaming. "Today, Kyra, you will master the art of Turning."

My brows shot up. I barked a dry laugh. "I wouldn't put your money on that, Azriel -- I'm hopeless."

He waggled a finger at me, tutting. "You doubt yourself, Kyra. Besides, I will be helping you, not Zion -- and don't worry, this won't include yelling in your ears."

I stifled a chuckle. It felt wrong to be talking about Zion in such a manner, but I supposed Azriel was the Alpha, so he could do it. Collecting myself, I folded my arms. "How so?"

"Simple!" he chirped, cracking his knuckles. "I'm going to Amplify your susceptibility to the magic in the air."

My eyes widened. "Amplify?"

He nodded. "You haven't been taught this yet, Kyra, but every wolf develops a special 'unique' ability. There are one of four abilities one can develop: Amplification, Nullification, Shifting and Healing."

My jaw dropped. "So what am I?" I asked, suddenly eager to know which wacky power I might holster. A laugh rumbled from the male's chest, its sound like the coarse grind of coffee beans. My cheeks heated slightly.

"We do not know that yet, dear. That will come when you develop your skill."

I sat back, nodding.

"Do you remember what I said about some wolves being 'specialists'?" he continued. I gave him a slow nod. "Well, pack doctors such as Doctor Hershel have the healing ability. Though all wolves can heal themselves to some extent, they cannot heal others. Meanwhile, those with the healing ability can heal themselves and others at a great rate."

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