Chapter 7

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Meeting the team went pretty well. I was nervous at first just because there were so many of them, and they were all staring directly at me. After the shock of having so many attractive men making flirty comments and winking at me wore off, I downed a few drinks and started to feel a lot less self-conscious. I was beginning to have a great time.

Then, they showed up. Val and Jenna. All done up with fresh manicures and designer handbags on their shoulders. They're both attractive women with attitudes that show that they know they're attractive. Val is about my height (5'7"), runway model skinny, with platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, and perfect teeth. Jenna is slightly shorter and curvier with red hair and brown eyes. 

For a split second, before they reached the table, I thought maybe I had found two new girlfriends to hang with. Then they started talking...

I had almost forgotten what it was like to be in high school. Thanks to those two, I now remember. They were very territorial when it came to the team- commenting about being the token girls of the group- acting like I was trying to sneak into an exclusive club or something. 

They kept rubbing up on the guys like they needed to stake a claim. Sending nasty looks my way. Yep, that took me right back to high school. The thing is, I was better at ignoring that kind of crap back then.

It seemed like most of the guys didn't want them around, but no one told them point-blank to go away. I was really hoping someone would. When that didn't happen, I just tried my best to avoid eye contact. Easier said than done, though, especially when it came to Val. 

The way she was rubbing against Chase and hanging all over him was hard to ignore. And it really bothered me. I mean, it's not like I have a claim on him. I know I don't stand a chance with him if these are the kind of women he's always surrounded by.

I don't have fake boobs, a surgically perfected nose, and professionally whitened teeth. And I definitely don't dress like them. Short skirts and super low-cut tops that leave nothing to the imagination. So, not my style. I'm more of a jeans and tee-shirt kind of girl. That doesn't exactly scream "choose me" when the other options look like Val. 

Plus, those girls would do anything to get what they wanted. I do not doubt that they would steamroll anyone who dared get in the way of what (or who) they were after. Val made it crystal clear who she was going for.

Chase didn't act like he wanted her attention, but she told him she missed him. What's that about? Do they have history? It sure sounded like it. Maybe he just didn't want to make a scene while I was there. I can't help but wonder if he would have been all over her if I wasn't there. The thought of that happening eats away at me. 

I need to put this whole Chase crush thing to bed. It's obvious; I'm out of my depth here. He'll end up with some starlet or model with a perfect body and no emotional baggage. Yeah, a far cry from what he'd get if he were to end up with me.

I decide not to entertain my fantasies that Chase and I could ever be an item, but I can still look, right? I mean, he is very juicy eye candy. Sure, looking is fine. I can handle that. I peer away from my laptop and see the very person I shouldn't be obsessing over. He steps out of the bathroom fresh from the shower. Steam is rolling out of the room behind him, and of course, he's shirtless.

He looks like freaking Adonis. Perfectly toned pecs, huge biceps, eight pack that leads right down to the sharp V that disappears under his waistband. I can't help that I start gnawing on my bottom lip. He looks at me and gives me a sexy smile, and turns to enter his bedroom. Yep, looking, that's all I'll do, uh-huh.

I unclench my legs and realize how profound an effect he has on me. He's not going to make this easy. I set my lip free and release the breath I didn't know I was holding. Did I just whimper? Fuck! I've got it bad! I need to find my own place stat if this whole "get over Chase" thing is going to pan out. It will be a whole lot easier to get over this crush from another building.

One where I don't have to witness his steamy exits from the bathroom. The kind of exit that leaves me daydreaming about what that V leads to... Dammit, Lindsey! Focus! I relocate to Liam's room to continue my apartment search. It will be much more productive from here. Yeah, no distractions here. Just have to not think about Chase. I can do that...

A few hours later, Liam knocks on the door, "Hey, we should head to the arena. I've got your season tickets all set up. I'll show you where to go when we get there."

He really is the best brother ever. Somehow, he managed to get me season tickets for two, so I can watch every home game and bring a friend (when I make one). The seats are right on the glass! On top of that, he refused to let me pay him back for them. I hope he finds someone nice to settle down with; he deserves nothing but the best. Certainly not the girls I've seen hanging around the team at the bar. I cringe at the thought of him ending up with someone like Val or Jenna.


I make it to my seat with my popcorn and drink in hand just as the guys enter the rink. The crowd starts cheering as they make their way around the ice, getting warmed up. When Chase and Liam skate by my section, they look up and give me a quick wave. I'm so excited to watch them on the ice. It's been such a long time since I've been to one of Liam's games. 

Thanks so much, Lucas. I've decided that I will make an effort to come to every home game they have to cheer on the team. I know it doesn't make up for lost time, but this way, I can show Liam I care about what he does, and I'll always be there to cheer him on.

A couple of hours later, the game ended, and it was awesome! The guys all worked so well together. They made it look like they could all read each other's minds the way they were playing. Every play was seamless. The other team didn't stand a chance. The Cobras won 2-0. 

The whole place went wild as Liam slammed the puck into the net for the second time, just before the last buzzer. Reporters grabbed Liam after the game as he made his way off the ice. I'm sure they had lots of questions for the best player of the night. I couldn't be prouder of him.

I wait until the arena is nearly empty, then make my way to the seating area outside the player's locker room. There are a few other people here waiting as well. One older couple, a middle-aged man, and two young women, one of which is holding the hands of two young children. I remember Liam saying Dan was married; I wonder if that's his family.

After a bit, a couple of the younger players walk out of the locker room. One greets the older couple; the other greets the other man. As they make their way out, more players start to emerge from the locker room. I recognize Chuck and Patrick; they wave and say hello as they walk by. Then I see Dan and Tyler. They come out and greet the two women who were waiting. I was right, that was Dan's family, and the other woman with Tyler must be his fiancée.

I wait about ten more minutes before Liam and Chase make their way out. They are surrounded by the rest of the guys who are still clapping Liam on the back for his two goals of the game. He's beaming when he sees me. I run up and give him a big hug and tell him how proud I am of him. The guys ask if I want to go to the bar to celebrate the win, and of course, I say yes. We all head out as a group and head to the bar.  

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