Chapter 26

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I can't keep my hands to myself. In the cab on our way back here, I tried to restrain myself- I really did. Did I succeed? Nope- not in the least. Am I upset that I failed in that? Also, no.

She's like the world's strongest magnet, and I'm a tiny piece of metal that just can't resist her pull. And I don't want to. Being with her makes me feel so many things- most of all, happy. She listens to me, and she makes me feel important. She likes me for who I really am, not just me, the hockey star.

It doesn't matter to her what I make or how famous I am. With her, I'm free to be Chase Smith- human, flawed, vulnerable. With every other woman I've been with, I'm always just Chase Smith- pro athlete, wealthy, captain of the New York City Cobras, fun for one night- and one night only.

At one point in my life, that last part was all that mattered in my relationships, if you can even call them that. Now, I want to be better. I want something more, something substantial. And I want to have it with Lindsey. I'd give her the world on a silver platter if she asked me for it. Hell, anything she asked for, she would have, and I'd serve it up in an instant.

Right now, all my girl wants is me. She wants to be close to me the same way I need to be close to her. Her actions are shouting loud and clear what she wants, and I am more than happy to deliver.

We're hardly able to break apart from each other when we step out of the cab. We finally do so we don't draw too much attention to ourselves as we make it through the complex lobby and into the elevator. As soon as those doors shut, we're back at it- lips locked, hands tangled, and hardly able to catch our breath.

I know the second we make it into the apartment, the fire we are stoking is going to burn red hot. The elevator comes to a stop on our floor, and I resist the urge to pick her up and throw her over my shoulder and carry her the remaining distance straight to my bed. It would be disastrous if one of our neighbors caught sight of that. There's no way Liam wouldn't find out about Lindsey and me if anyone saw me doing that.

Instead, I pull away and put a small amount of distance between us, and start walking to the door. We make it inside the apartment quickly and shut the door behind us. I move toward her to pick up where we left off in the elevator, but she's already heading my way. She pushes me backward toward my bedroom with a hungry look in her eyes.

My girl is taking what she wants, and I am so turned on by her right now. I feel my back hit the solid wood door that separates us from my bedroom, and without hesitation, Lindsey wraps herself around me and presses her lips to mine. I feel the warmth of her tongue slide across my lips, pleading for entry. I waste no time giving her what she's begging for as I open my mouth and press us further together.

Her arms slide around my neck as I move my hands down the curves of her body. I reach her hips and slowly make my way around her back and down to her ass. She lets out a yelp as I squeeze her cheeks and lift her up, making her legs wrap around my waist. I let go with one hand and blindly search for the doorknob.

I turn the handle and nearly fall to the floor as the door swings open. I catch us at the last second and set course for the bed. It takes me all of two seconds to reach the edge, and I gently toss Lindsey on top of my king-sized mattress.

She lets out a giggle as I crawl onto the bed, slowly making my way toward her. I position myself between her legs and use both elbows to support me as I look down at her beautiful face underneath me. Her smile sends warmth straight to my heart. I don't think I'll ever get over how gorgeous she is- both inside and out.

Something flashes in her eyes, and I feel her pull me down on top of her, eliminating the space that was just between us. She resumes our passionate lip-lock and runs her hands down my back. I let out a moan as I feel the hem of my shirt rising up my back. Her warm fingers set my skin on fire as she inches my shirt up toward my head.

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