Chapter 17

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The smell of strong coffee filters into my room as I crack my eyes open. I hear loud snoring coming from the floor next to my bed. The occupant of the air mattress is still passed out hard after overdoing it at the bar last night.

Last night...

I smile at the memory; at least, I hope it's a memory and not just the most incredible dream I've ever had. Man, I swear if I dreamt all that up, I'm gonna be livid. It was all too real just to be a dream, though. I can still feel the soft caress of her lips on mine, the way her body melted in my arms when I held her, the way fireworks exploded throughout my body when our mouths collided.

Yeah, no way that was all just a dream.

I like to consider myself a fairly creative person, but the details of last night are far too vivid just to be something I created in a dream. I know I've had some pretty inventive dreams of me and her doing other things, but none of that compares to actually holding her in my arms and feeling our bodies connect, even if it includes far more clothes and far less kink.

The intimacy I felt between us last night exceeds my dirty dreams by miles. I can only imagine what she would actually feel like under me, the way my fantasies have dictated. If kissing her in real life surpasses my naughty imaginings, I think it's safe to assume, real sex with her would absolutely blow my mind. Not that I'm expecting that any time soon, I won't rush her.

She gets to direct this show. I'm just along for the ride, for as long as she'll have me. A huge part of me is hoping she'll want me around for a very long time. One night with her has me feeling things I've never thought possible. All other intimate experiences pale in comparison to her, and we've only made out.

I hear the clink of a mug being set on the counter in the kitchen. Someone is making coffee. I hope it's Lindsey. I throw the blankets off of me and leap toward the door, nearly stepping on Liam in the process. He doesn't stir; dang, he's gonna have a rough morning.

I rush to the kitchen, hoping to see my blonde-haired beauty. Instead, I see the back of a petite brunette who is now making herself some tea. Taylor. I try to hide my disappointment as she turns to face me.

"Well, good morning, lover boy!" She doesn't even try to hide her delight.

"Morning, Tay."

"How was your night? Do you even know what movie you two put on?" Her eyes sparkle with amusement.

I smile at my coffee cup then look sheepishly at her, "uh, it was a comedy."

She laughs and pats me on the shoulder. "Well, I think you two are adorable. Just don't mess this up! She's a good one, and I actually like her."

I take a few sips of coffee. "I don't plan on messing this up. I really, really like her, Tay."

She smiles at me, "I know you do. I don't think I've ever seen you act this way about anyone, ever." She wiggles her fingers into my ribcage and teases me.

I swat her hands away, making her laugh harder. That's when we hear a loud groan coming from my doorway. Liam emerges, holding his head. "How much did I drink last night?"

Taylor shoves some medicine and a tall glass of water into his hands. "You drank a lot, beer, mixed drinks, shots. You name it, and you pretty much drank it."

"I feel like I got hit by a freight train."

I give him a mildly sympathetic look, "I bet you do!"

"Did I do anything stupid?"

Taylor shoots me a devious look and grimaces at Liam. "You mean like hopping on a chair and trying to give everyone a free striptease?"

Liam spits out his water and stares between us, horrified. "I did what?!"

Good one, Tay.

She's doubled over laughing, unable to keep up the charade. "I'm just kidding! No, you kept all your clothes on. The worst thing you did was try to hold me captive in a vice grip and snore loudly in my ear."

Liam says something in reply, but I don't hear a word because the goddess emerging from the hallway quickly steals my attention. Lindsey walks toward us, dressed in pajama shorts and an oversized tee-shirt. Her hair was messy from sleep, not an ounce of makeup on, and looking like an angel. She looks incredible no matter what she's wearing, but somehow this look, fresh from dreamland, is absolutely intoxicating.

Once she's only a few feet away from me, she looks bashfully at the floor. "Good morning."

"Good morning, beautiful," I mutter quietly so only she can hear. "Do you want some coffee?"

She nods and follows me to the counter, where a fresh pot is waiting. I pour her a cup, and she adds her sweetener and creamer as Taylor and Liam tell her good morning. Liam finishes off his water and excuses himself to go shower. Once the bathroom door clicks shut, Taylor picks up her tea and takes a few sips while bouncing her eyes between me and Lindsey.

After lowering the cup from her mouth, she makes up an excuse to leave the kitchen, leaving me alone once again with my girl. With all witnesses gone, I pull her into my arms and capture her in a loving hug. Her arms wrap around me, drawing us closer together, and she sighs contentedly into my chest. I breathe her in. It should be illegal for someone to smell this good- her scent is a sinful mixture of vanilla, lavender, and something uniquely her. I could get drunk off her scent alone, and I would if we stood here long enough.

I'm still marveling at the feeling of her in my arms when I feel her hands start to creep up underneath my shirt. Her warm palms caress the dips between each of my muscles, starting at my abdomen and working her way up to my chest. My breathing hitches and I feel the immediate effect she has below my waist.

She looks up at me with hooded eyes, and her arms move around my neck. She tips up on her toes and leans close, eyes begging me to kiss her again. Happy to obey, I slide one arm around her lower back and let the other travel up to her hair as I lean down and join our lips together. The kiss is slow and lazy but filled with all of the intimacy that I remember from last night.

We stay there for several minutes before breaking apart to catch our breath. Still locked in our embrace, she runs her nails softly up and down my scalp, eliciting an enthusiastic reaction from my now rock-hard erection. Her eyes widen as she looks between us, gasping at the response she's earned from her action.

"Wow. All that because of a kiss?" Her eyes find mine again.

"A kiss from you," I clarify. "You have no idea the kind of effect you have on me." I sweep a loose strand of hair out of her face and plant a soft kiss on her temple, wishing I could stay here and hold her forever.

We hear the bathroom door start to swing open, and we jump apart, trying to act like nothing happened. I turn around and adjust myself as best I can to hide the tent now standing tall in my sweats.

Liam heads straight for the bedroom, where he left his change of clothes, paying us no mind. I heave a sigh as I look back to Lindsey, who is now a gorgeous shade of pink. I step closer to her and quickly kiss her lips once more, trying not to tempt fate, knowing her brother could burst through the door and catch us any second.

"I should probably get ready for practice."

She nods. "Yeah, I should probably take a quick shower and get changed too."

"I'll see you after, okay." I look over at my door to make sure it's still shut before stealing another kiss...or three, earning myself a satisfied chuckle from my girl.

I force myself to head to my room so I can get ready. I knock to let Liam know I'm coming in, steady my face, and double-check my tent post, ensuring it is securely hidden so he doesn't see the evidence of my escapades. He doesn't need to know what just happened in the kitchen with his sister, not yet anyway.  

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