Chapter 16

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Liam's snoring is the only thing keeping me anchored here on Earth. If it weren't for that, I think I would have floated away by now. I feel so light and happy sitting in the back of this cab holding Chase's hand. The way he's looking at me makes me swoon. I could stay like this forever, minus the loud snoring next to us.

The taxi slows and pulls next to the apartment building. I wish this night didn't have to end. I'm far too excited to sleep right now.

After paying our fare, Taylor and Chase wake Liam and help him out of the cab. The three of us get him upstairs to the apartment with some difficulty. Looks like he had more to drink than I thought; he's swaying dangerously on his feet. We nearly drop him twice, trying to make it to the elevator.

Chase is strong, but he needs help keeping all 6'2", 205 lbs of my bulky brother upright in his current state. I'm sure onlookers are getting a kick out of the scene. One man and two women carrying/dragging the half-conscious hockey player through the building. Especially when one of us is barely 5'4", but to her credit, Taylor is holding her own. She supports most of Liam's weight when he shifts away from Chase for a second starting to wake up.

"Whaz happning?" A groggy Liam asks, whipping his head to look from Chase to Taylor.

"We're just going home, buddy, don't worry. Almost there." Chase tells him.

Liam grunts, "iz fine, I kin walk," he tries to take a step away from Chase and loses his footing, nearly knocking over Taylor in the process.

Chase quickly grabs Liam by the arm and steadies him. "Hey there, papa bear, let us help you, okay?" Taylor tells him, repositioning herself under his other arm.

He cocks his head at Taylor as if just noticing she was there. He smiles down at her. "M'kay, Tay. Lez go home."

We make our way to the apartment, Chase and Taylor on either side of my brother, me behind, making sure he doesn't fall backward. Liam stumbles along with us, mumbling nonsense the rest of the way. We make it inside without further incident, but when Chase and Taylor try to gently lay Liam down on his mattress in Chase's room, he trips and falls in a heap taking Taylor with him.

He falls backward and pulls her on top of him, chest to back. Then, he promptly falls asleep, still holding her in a tight grip. Chase and I try to release his hold on her while she tries to wriggle free, but he doesn't budge. It takes Chase sliding a few ice cubes down the back of his shirt for him to rouse. And when he does, he looks at Taylor accusingly. "Why'r you in ma bed?"

She peeks over her shoulder at him and gives him an equally accusing glare, "you were trying to hold me hostage."

He looks down at his now loose hold around her, "ooops, s'rry Tay."

She scrambles up after he fully releases his hold on her, shaking her head as Liam falls back into his slumber. Chase, Taylor, and I exit the room.

"I didn't think he drank that much tonight," I tell Taylor.

"Rob and Drew convinced him to do several rounds of shots while the two of you were having your little chat." She wiggles her eyebrows at me and Chase as she emphasizes the word 'chat'.

I feel the heat creep up my cheeks as I look down to the ground. I see Chase shake his head and smile in my periphery.

She laughs quietly before covering a yawn. "Well, it's been fun, kids, but I'm going to shower and get some shut-eye." She turns to walk away but looks back briefly, "I'll leave you two lovebirds to enjoy the living room." She sends us a wink as she disappears behind her bedroom door.

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