Chapter 13

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Chase and Liam left first thing this morning for the airport. The team is away for their next game; so, I have been left alone for the next couple days with Taylor. She has decided to drag me to dinner tonight at some swanky restaurant on the Upper East Side. Great!

I seriously consider faking sick to get out of it, but I think she'd see right through my guise. It's not that I'm trying to avoid her. Okay, maybe I am, but I have no idea how to get through a full two days, just the two of us. I'm fairly certain we have nothing in common. She's this pretty, successful, outgoing young professional with a cushy life. And I'm this awkward transplant from Upstate who just retired from a two-year stint as a shut-in. What could we possibly have to talk about?

Maybe my real concern is that after I get to know her, I'll end up liking her. I'm being petty. I'm very aware of that. It's just; I haven't had any interest in a guy for the last two years. Then, on day one in the city, I see Chase and develop a serious crush instantaneously. Since Taylor got back, I just can't shake this feeling of inadequacy. It's like, Taylor stepped into the picture, and Lindsey gets pushed to the side. I'm 95% sure they have some sort of relationship going on in the shadows. If I'm being honest, that's my biggest issue with her. She has what I want...Chase.


When we arrive at the restaurant, she tells the hostess her name and that we have a reservation for two. The hostess seats us at a comfy booth close to the bar. The atmosphere is great here. Perfect temperature, soft music playing in the background, no obnoxious diners, and the food smells amazing at the tables we passed on our way to our seats. With everything else she has going for her; it makes sense she would have access to the best restaurants in the city too.

Our server comes over and places our menus and some water on the table. We look through the menu and chat about how each of our days went. After a beat, the server comes back and takes our order which includes a fancy bottle of French wine, courtesy of Taylor.

In fact, the whole dinner tonight is on Taylor. She said it was because she got a bonus from work and wanted to celebrate. I'm not convinced, though. I feel like she's taking pity on me since I just started my job and haven't got my first paycheck yet. I may as well try to enjoy it. That's easier said than done, though. I'm still pretty bummed about the whole situation with Chase.

After we each have a glass of wine, Taylor asks how I like living here so far and how my job is going. I tell her honestly that I love the city and my job. She asks about the firm and what I do there. I tell her about the accounting firm and how I'm working as an assistant right now, but hope to move up the ladder eventually to be an accountant. 

That's what I went to school for, after all. Taking the assistant position was just to get my foot in the door since that was the only job-opening they had. I tell her the firm has an excellent reputation and they have a history of taking very good care of employees, so that's why I wanted to work there.

She gives me an encouraging smile and tells me that she thinks what I'm doing is awesome, and she thinks I have a good head on my shoulders, and she's impressed at the legwork I did before applying for jobs here. She comments that most of the women in the inner "hockey circle" don't have such drive or determination.

The server refills my glass and offers to refill Taylor's, but she declines. She must have seen the confused look on my face because she proceeded to tell me, "I usually only drink one glass anymore. After that, I switch to water."

"Oh," I reply, still curious as to why she does that but too afraid to ask.

As if she can read my mind, Taylor continues, "I cut back a lot after my brother died. I don't know if Liam told you anything about that, but he was killed in a drunk driving accident about three years ago. I went off the rails for a while, drank way too much, partied too much, and almost made some other poor choices while I was under the influence. So, since then, I have this rule of one drink, then I'm done."

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