Chapter 19

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Throughout practice, I was riding high off my energy from this morning and my encounter with Lindsey. I couldn't help feeling pumped up, not just from the adrenaline I was building up during practice, but from my memory of what I felt this morning when Lindsey and I connected in the kitchen. I swore I could still feel the sparks we created just being in the same space.

The feel of her against me, the sensation of her lips on mine, made my skin tingle in all the best ways. I needed an outlet for the budding energy I was feeling, and since I wouldn't be able to spend this energy the way I wanted, releasing it in practice would have to do.

I was so amped up; I may have checked Nate a little harder than necessary into the boards during one play. I apologized afterward and told him I was just pumped up for the game the following night and brought all my enthusiasm to practice. He told me not to worry about it since everyone was amped up for the game. We all really wanted to beat the team we would be playing- the Los Angeles Warriors.

We've been big rivals for a while, and everyone on the team wanted to wipe the ice with those guys. Their current team captain, Tatum Charles, was a real piece of work. Last season, he stuck around for a while after we beat them 3-0. He walked up to Tyler's girlfriend, Ali, and grabbed her ass as we headed out of the building to celebrate. Fucker was looking to start a fight. Lucky for us, security stepped in and escorted the asshole away before anyone could retaliate.

Yeah, we all want a piece of that guy, even T.J., who is new to the team this year. He said he's never liked Tatum. They played together in Chicago before Tatum was traded to Los Angeles. T.J. said the guy has always been a cocky mother fucker. Thinks his shit don't stink and that he's God's gift to Earth or some bullshit like that. I can't wait to knock him down a few pegs.

Maybe I'll put him in his place tomorrow.


I thought I used up a good deal of energy at practice, but heading home, I felt myself getting excited all over again. This time because I was going to see my girl again. I just needed to remember not to do anything stupid in front of Liam. 

I don't think he would actually kill me, but he's pretty amped up from today's practice, and I wouldn't be surprised if he let loose 100% of that energy on me if he found out what I've started doing with his little sister.

The girls made a feast for us and had everything ready by the time we made it to the apartment. They probably figured we would need all the extra sustenance after our extra hard practice today. The assumption was absolutely correct. Liam and I were starving when we walked in the door. It didn't take us long to devour the meal that was prepared for us.

After eating and helping Lindsey and Taylor clean up, we all vegged out in the living room for a bit, winding down from the day and talking about tomorrow's game- namely, how none of us can stand the rival team members. Taylor had an encounter with Tatum last season that left a bad taste in her mouth. He saw her in the stands with a Cobras jersey and started catcalling her and making lewd gestures during warm-ups. She glared at him and told him to fuck off; that only seemed to egg him on.

So, during that game, Liam, Nate, myself, and a few other guys made sure he got well-acquainted with the boards and the ice that night. Some more roughly than others, but the penalty box was well worth teaching that jerk a lesson. And, we still ended up winning the game, so it was extra satisfying.

It started to get late, and Liam decided to hit the sack, followed shortly by Taylor. Their absence left Lindsey and me alone for the first time since this morning. It felt like a lifetime since I could get close to her the way I wanted to. So, once the others vacated the living room, I promptly moved to the now empty spot by my girl and gave her a slow sensual kiss.

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