Chapter 30

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Everything sucks.

Since I felt my world come crashing down and the happiness I let myself feel was ripped right out of me... everything just sucks. I feel like my heart was pulled from my chest and stomped on. This hurts so much more than when I caught Lucas cheating on me with Nadia. That is something I would never have thought possible until I met Chase.

I really felt like I was starting to fall for him- hard. And then I get a bomb dropped on me by Val and her friends. It would have been hard enough knowing that he just took one other person to that rooftop, but hearing it's his place to go with all of his hookups- that kills me.

He told me I was the only one he took there. He said what we had was special, and he really cared for me. I guess it was all just a very well-choreographed lie. Start with seemingly harmless flirting, make me comfortable, shove my guard down, then come in for the kill. I believed things would be different here, and I could feel myself coming out of the shadows and letting myself live again.

That was a mistake.

He's called and texted more times than I can count. I don't even read the texts or listen to his voicemails. What's the point? He's just going to try to reason with me, try to cover up his lies. I can't get sucked back in.

Taylor said she talked to him the other night. She said he swears up and down that he didn't do it. He said Val and her friends were lying, but I don't see how they could come up with something so elaborate, so close to what I experienced if they hadn't been there too. And not just one of them, all of them. And probably countless others.

I even asked around at work to see if anyone knew about a romantic rooftop garden that fit the description of the one Chase had taken me to. The result? Not one single person knew about that place. No one had even heard of such a location in that part of the city. Even Taylor didn't know about that place until Chase and I mentioned it to her.

That, to me, can only mean one thing. You only know about it if you've been there.

I really want to believe that Val is lying, that she made the whole thing up, but how could she possibly have made it up? Her friend even mentioned the blankets and wine; how would they know to mention those specific details? They wouldn't. Unless they lived it, just like I did.

And Taylor sticking up for Chase, siding with him on this- that is making me question if I can trust her. I thought I could. I thought she and I had formed a strong bond, but I guess her friendship with Chase is more important than the one she has with me. Is she really my friend? Was that all just a lie too?

I don't even know anymore.

There is one thing I do know. I can't live here in this apartment anymore. Not with Chase just on the other side of the living room. I just can't do it. And I've lost my chance at the one apartment in the city I did find that fit my budget and my wish list.

I need to figure something out, fast! I can't stay here anymore. But I don't know where to go.





Operation: Save Chase and Lindsey's Relationship is now underway. Or is it Operation: Prove Val is a Stupid Lying Skank?

Hmm... Either way, the operation is now live.

I wanted to cut off Chase's balls when Lindsey first told me what Val told her. Then, I heard Chase's side of the story, and I was reminded just how low Val would sink when she decides to act like a jealous bitch.

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