Chapter 35

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I open up the door to the apartment and head in with my work bag and several shopping bags in tow. Chase texted earlier and asked if it was okay with me if we let T.J. crash on the couch for a while. Something about mold in his apartment, and he needed a place to stay for a bit.

Of course, I said it was fine. When a friend needs help, you help them. That's why on my way home today, I stopped off at the convenience store to grab a few things for our guest. I grabbed a basket to fill with shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, and the other essentials so he would have everything he needed just in case he forgot something back at his place. It's the way my parents raised us, to be hospitable.

I set the basket of goodies in the bathroom for him and set out pillows and blankets on one of the couches in the living room. I still have a little bit of time before the boys get in from practice, so I text Taylor to see if she made it to Vegas without issue. She immediately responds and lets me know she did with an emoji thumbs up and a huge grinning smiley. We text back and forth for a while until she has to meet up with her bosses.

After saying bye to Taylor, I head to the kitchen and start preparing dinner. I made sure to stop at the market on my way and grab extra food. I know how much Liam and Chase alone can put away, so I figured I should be safe and pick up extra everything since there will be an additional hungry hockey player to feed. Then, I start making dinner.

Half an hour later, the guys all show up, and dinner is just about ready. Liam greets me as he usually does, Chase scoops me up into a tight hug and gives me a peck on the lips, and T.J. sends me a quick nod and a 'hey.' I return the greeting and get back to cooking. As I put the finishing touches on everything, Liam and Chase show T.J. around the apartment. I set the last dish on the table just as they finish up the tour.

"Mmmm, babe, this smells amazing!" Chase kisses my cheek as he grabs a seat at the table.

Liam chimes in with a, "yeah, this looks great, Lins."

I smile at them. "Thank you! It's one of mom's recipes."

I glance down to T.J., who's sitting on the other side of the table, next to Liam. His eyes are wide, and he looks stunned. "You really made all this?"

"Mmhmm." I smile and nod back at him.

"Wow. That's impressive. I haven't had a homecooked meal like this in a long time."

Chase looks at T.J. as he takes a scoop of everything and piles his plate high. "You haven't?"

T.J. shakes his head and starts filling his plate. "Nah, I usually just order from one of those meal prep places. Put it in the fridge or freezer and microwave it when I'm ready for it."

"You don't cook?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Nah, I can cook some things, but nothing like this. And I don't really like to cook."

I nod, and Liam jokes, "what? Couldn't find a bunny that knew how to cook and have them make you dinner?" Liam nudges T.J. in the side.

I swear I see him grimace, but the look is gone in a millisecond. "No, guess not. Hey, do we need to wait for your other roommate?"

Chase shakes his head while scooping a bite of food onto his fork. "Nah, they won't be back until Friday or Saturday, work conference in Vegas."

T.J. bobs his head then starts digging into dinner. The guys start chatting about hockey and speculating about the new guy that's coming to the team from Tampa. No one really knows much about him. He's younger, has only been playing pro for a few years, and according to the team manager and coach, is very talented on the ice.

The rest of dinner goes by quickly. The boys nearly polished off everything I made, and the conversations were very relaxed. T.J. thanked us all again for letting him crash on the couch and said he'd pay us for the trouble. We all waved him off and told him he didn't need to do that, but he insisted on giving us something. So, we finally relented when he insisted on paying for groceries and said it was his thank you for getting to eat homemade meals.

The night continued, and we all started to get tired. Liam said goodnight and made his way to his room. Chase and I told T.J. goodnight and reminded him to make himself at home. We closed the door behind us and made our way to the bed.

Chase buries his face in the crook of my neck from behind and starts planting kisses on my exposed skin. "Mmmm. Finally alone."

I giggle as his stubble brushes my neck. "We have to be good. T.J. is right on the other side of that door."

He continues and slowly curls his arms around my stomach, tracing small circles under my shirt. "We just have to be extra quiet."

I try to stifle a moan as he nips lightly up my neck and brings his wandering hands up to my chest. He catches my mounds in both hands and starts massaging, taking one nipple between his fingers and rolling gently.

The little self-control I had left flies out the window, and I tear my shirt off over my head. Then I do the same for Chase. I narrow my eyes at the smirk he's wearing. He knows he's won. I push him back onto the bed and climb on top of him, straddling him.

Immediately, his hands fly up and tangle into my hair, pulling me to him. Our lips crash together, and he sweeps his tongue across my mouth. I instantly allow him access, and we deepen our kiss. One of his hands slides down my side and latches to my hip, pushing me down against him, grinding our cores together.

It doesn't take long for us to shed our remaining clothes and find a condom. I try to stay quiet as Chase slams my hips down onto him over and over again, lifting himself off the mattress to meet me every time. I bite down hard onto my fist as I start to reach the point of no return. I watch Chase below me as he bites his lip, threatening to remove it entirely as he gets close to his release.

I'm getting so close. He moves one hand over my needy core and rubs relentlessly over my clit. I see fireworks, and Chase shoots up, covering my mouth with his, trying to swallow the sounds of our simultaneous release. I'm panting hard as I collapse into the hot bare chest of Chase as he wraps his arms around me, dropping his head to my shoulder.

When he finally catches his breath, he says, "I'm gonna have to apologize to T.J. tomorrow."

I nod, still trying to catch my breath. "Uh-huh."

He chuckles as he picks me up and sets me on the bed. He removes the condom and tosses it in the trash before curling up against me. I feel the warmth of his body as he pulls me close and secures his arm around my waist. The soft touch of his lips on my neck and the murmur in my ear telling me I'm amazing are the last things I remember before drifting into a peaceful slumber.         

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