Chapter 43

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It's been several days since Taylor got the awful news about what Max did. She's been pretty upset about it- not that I blame her. She hasn't said much more about it, other than her supervisor was trying to get things worked out and prove that Max is a lying piece of shit. I haven't pressed her much about it either. She's upset enough already without me constantly prying.

She's been trying to keep herself busy in the meantime. I don't think I've ever seen the apartment so clean before. When Taylor isn't at the gym or running errands outside of the apartment, she's usually cleaning or organizing something. In her words, 'it's therapeutic' to do those things. I'd probably do the same thing if I were in her shoes. Well, that and curl up into a ball and eat pint after pint of ice cream until I felt slightly better.

It sucks seeing one of my best friends go through something like this. Chase and Liam are still chomping at the bit to find Max and bring in a little vigilante justice. The other guys on the team are pissed too. Many of them have met Max and share Chase and Liam's view of him.

Since Taylor had to stop all work she was doing with the team, the guys she had contracts with have been passed to one of the other reps. And the guys don't like that one bit. It's not that they don't like the rep; they just like working with Taylor. She knows them and has worked with them for years. A lot of the time, she'd know what the guys would need before they'd even ask for it. So, this whole situation has had a big impact on everyone.

I've tried to get Taylor to come out a few times, just us, so we could have girl talk, and she could vent if she wanted to. She hasn't really felt like it lately, though. Chase and I have plans for lunch today to check out a new restaurant across town. I invited Taylor to come with us, but she declined the offer. I wish I could do something to take her mind off of everything.

I only had to work a half-day today, so I planned to leave straight from work to meet Chase at the restaurant. As I was packing up to leave work, I realized I had forgotten my wallet at home. I probably don't need it since Chase never lets me pay when we go out. He says he loves spoiling me, but I don't like being without my wallet. So, I'll have to make a detour home to grab it before I can meet Chase. He said he invited Liam to come with us, but he apparently has some errands to run, and he already agreed to go out with the boys for lunch afterward.

I'm excited to try out this new restaurant. Some hotshot celebrity chef just opened it up, and people are raving about the food. I'm practically bouncing on my feet with anticipation as I hurry home to grab my wallet. It's going to take a while to get to the restaurant from here, so I'm trying to be quick.


As soon as I enter the apartment, I hear something strange coming from one of the bedrooms. I instinctually move toward mine and Chase's room. I open the door and find it exactly as I left it this morning. The sounds are definitely coming from Tay or Liam's room.

I move closer to the other side of the apartment. The sounds grow louder. I definitely hear two people.

Is that what I think it is?

My thoughts are immediately confirmed. I hear a woman moaning loudly. "Oh, God! Yes, yes, yes!"

I feel my eyes grow wide as I back away from Taylor's door, clamping my hand over my mouth.

Holy shit!

Before I can make my feet move toward the exit, I hear a man start moaning and grunting. "Nnngh, fuuuck! Baby, you feel so good!"

Oh, my God! I swear I've heard that voice before. I don't know for sure who it belongs to, though. The closed-door muffles it enough. I can't say without a doubt who the owner is, but I've definitely heard that voice before.

I snap out of it, and my eyes land on Liam's door. It couldn't be? Could it? I find myself looking back and forth between Taylor's door and Liam's. Holy shit! Is it finally happening!? Oh, holy fuck!

The moaning starts getting faster and louder. I swear I hear a loud rhythmic thumping like something keeps hitting a wall. Oh my God! I have to get out of here!

The shock of what I was hearing had me frozen in place for far too long. I finally got a grip and quickly made my way out of the apartment, forgetting my wallet in the process. No way am I going back for it now.

I head outside to grab a cab and find myself getting lost in speculation as the car heads toward the restaurant. Did Liam come home after practice? Was his 'errand' really an errand? How long has this been going on?


At some point, as I'm lost in my musings, the taxi pulls up in front of the restaurant. I get out and make my way to the hostess. Chase made reservations for us, so I give the woman his name, and she shows me to our table, where Chase is already waiting. When he sees me, he gives me a huge smile and stands up, pulling me into a warm hug.

I'm still so flustered from what I witnessed in the apartment. I try to shake myself out of it before Chase notices, but I think I'm too late. His brows are slightly furrowed as he appraises my face. He knows something is up, and I see his mouth open like he's going to ask me something.

Before he has a chance, our waitress walks over and asks to take our drink orders. As soon as she steps away, I ask Chase where Liam went right after practice, not giving him a chance to interrogate me about my behavior. He tells me that Liam left right after practice and had to run an errand really quick before he went to lunch with the guys.

I feel my arms tense. Is it possible? Was Taylor Liam's 'errand'?

My face must be giving something away because Chase asks, "babe, are you okay?"

I snap my eyes up to meet his, trying to shake away the million thoughts running through my mind. "Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a few things on my mind right now."

Like the possibility of my brother and my best friend having crazy sex in the apartment when they think no one will be home!

Chase doesn't look convinced, but he doesn't press me. Thank goodness! How would I even explain what my theory is? I'm not even sure who was in there with Taylor. What if it wasn't Liam? Who else could it be? And how would Chase react? Would he be mad that they didn't tell him? Would he be excited for them? I know I am- you know- if my theory is correct.

I really hope it is. I can't think of a better person for my brother or for Taylor. I mean, they're already best friends. It would just make sense for them to have easy chemistry. Right?

I decide I won't say anything to Chase until I have more information. I'll talk to Taylor and see if she lets something slip. Maybe she'll be open about everything. Also, I decide to try to forget all the sounds I heard today. If my theory is correct, then I walked in and heard my brother having sex.

That's not exactly a memory I want to keep reliving. Even though the idea of him and Taylor together sends me over the moon with happiness, I still don't need to witness any more of that.

I try to focus on my lunch date and enjoy the incredible food and company. It works for a while, but I can't help but drift back to 'what if land.' I feel myself smile at the thought of Taylor and Liam living happily ever after. They deserve it, just like Chase and me. Maybe soon they'll come clean about what's going on.

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