Chapter 32

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What the-!

I'm being manhandled inside this freaking bar. By Taylor! She grabbed my arm and started dragging me through the crowd toward the bathroom. She insisted I come with her- which is not something we do. We're both perfectly able to go to the restroom without backup, unlike some people. That's how I got cornered by Val in the first place, by going to the restroom alone.

But what the hell is she doing right now? I know if anyone cornered Taylor, she'd wipe the floor with them and make them regret everything they've ever done wrong in their lives.

Why does she all of a sudden need me to come with her?

I try to object, but it's pointless. Taylor is on a mission, and I'm part of it, apparently. She turns to me as we get closer to the women's room.

"Lins, I need you to trust me, okay?"

I wrinkle my forehead and cautiously ask, "ummm, why?"

I know Val's in there. I saw her walk this way not thirty seconds ago. Does Taylor think I'm gonna help her kick Val's ass or something? Oh, hell no! I'm not trying to get arrested! Nope, no way!

She levels me with a stern look. "When we go in there, I need you to be absolutely quiet. And go hide in one of the stalls until I give you the sign."

Okay, now I'm more confused. "What?"

Taylor huffs and starts pulling me closer to the door. "Just, please do that for me. I promise it will all make sense when this is all over."

I stare at her for a moment, and something tells me to go along with it. What the hell. "Yeah, okay. Fine. I'll go in and hide in a stall. I won't say a word."

She smiles briefly, then moves to open the door. "Wait! What's the sign?"

"You'll know when you hear it, Lins. Trust me."

I don't have any time to complain because she immediately opens the door wide and pulls me inside the restroom. Val is still in her stall as I find an empty one to hide in.

I'm so anxious right now. I don't know what the hell is going on, but whatever it is has me standing here holding my breath. It's like I'm hiding from a serial killer in a horror movie, and if I breathe or move, I'll be found and murdered. My pulse is beating erratically as I just wait for whatever it is that's about to happen.

I hear a toilet flush, then the sound of running water from the sink, then paper towels being crumpled. The click-clack of heels moving closer to the exit make it only a few feet before stopping.

The next thing I hear is Val's voice. "Um, do you need something?" She sounds annoyed and extra bitchy.

I hear Taylor respond. "You know, Valerie, I really didn't think you could get any trashier, but you did it. Congratulations."

Val scoffs, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know, eavesdropping on someone else's conversation is pretty low in itself. But what you did with that information is pretty fucked up. Even for you."

Val laughs, "Ohhh, you mean your conversation with Chase about his secret garden date with wimpy McGee? Yeah, thanks for that, by the way. All those little details you got Chase to spill really sealed the deal. That little bitch bought every word I fed her."

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