Chapter 24

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After practice, I'm sitting in a restaurant with some of the guys, grabbing a bite to fuel back up. Rob and Drew are debating over who has better game, both on and off the ice. Liam is shaking his head at their bickering. Nate and Damien are bullshitting over some new video game that just came out. And I'm on cloud nine, daydreaming about my mind-blowing night with Lindsey a few days ago.

I didn't expect things to go that far, but I can't say I'm upset that they did. She was incredible. The way she felt underneath me, the softness of her hands as she explored every inch of my body, the sounds she made; every part of that night is etched into my memory forever. I've been with many women in my time, but that night with her was pure magic. Now that I've had a taste, I don't think I have any hope of ever letting her go.

I look up as I hear Liam laughing. He's my best friend, and this is something I can't talk to him about. I know I should, I know it's wrong to keep this from him, but I don't know how he'd react if I told him what I was doing with his sister, especially after the other night. Pretty sure he'd straight-up murder me.

My face must be showing that something's off because when Liam looks my way, his face contorts, and he shoots me a questioning look. Before he has a chance to ask whatever is on his mind, his eyes dart behind me, and he cracks a smile.

"What's up, Taylor!"

I turn around and see Taylor coming our way, carrying her work bag over her shoulder. She must be here for a client meeting. I know she wants to ask how the other night went, but she hasn't had a chance to talk me about it, and I'm not sure how much Lindsey has told her, if anything.

She smiles as she reaches our table. "Hey, guys! How's it going?"

Everyone at the table greets Taylor and gives her a quick reply. Then, I ask, "you here for a client meet-up?"

She nods and tells me she just finished up and was heading out when she saw us here. I feel a light swat on my shoulder and look over at Taylor.

"Since you're here already, I need to touch base with you real quick about that thing with your contract. You got a second?"

Smooth, Tay.

"Yeah, we should get that ironed out." I turn to the guys. "Hey, I'll be right back, gotta talk biz with Tay real quick."

They nod and wave me off as they dig into the appetizers that just arrived. I walk to a quiet area of the restaurant with Taylor and make sure no one is around that will hear us.

She whips around to face me with a giant smirk on her face. I can tell she's dying to launch into her interrogation about the date I had with Lindsey.

"Oh my God! I've been waiting too long to ask you how everything went the other night! So, hotshot, spill. How was it? Did you see fireworks? Did you cry and spill your guts, profess your undying love?"

She's practically giddy with excitement. I laugh and shake my head. "Have you interrogated Lindsey too?"

She nods. "Of course! She said it was magical, she's never had such a perfect date, but she kept it vague because of papa bear always being too close to share the nitty-gritty details."

I can't contain my smile. I look around again before giving her a brief summary of the night, minus the juiciest details. I do tell her about the rooftop garden and how I had everything set up, so it looked like a winter wonderland, and how the owners set up candles, wine, and strawberries for us in our pallet of blankets. I tell her that the night was, in fact, magical, and I've never had a better date in all my life.

Taylor squeals and pulls me in for a quick hug. "That is so sweet! I never knew you had such a romantic side, you big softie!"

When she releases me, she wiggles her eyebrows and asks the question I know is burning in the front of her mind. "The important question, though, did you two do it? All night? Under the stars?"

I laugh because, of course, Taylor would ask that. I almost lie and tell her, no, but she'd see right through that. She's like a human lie detector. So, instead, I just shut up and smile to myself at the memory.

I hear her gasp. "I knew it! Lindsey got all shy and giggly when I asked her the same question." She claps quietly and pulls me in for another quick hug. "Ohhh, I'm so happy for you guys! This is amazing!"

"Thanks, Tay."

There are heavy footsteps coming up behind us, and I turn to see big brother himself walking our way. I start to feel panic rising up inside me.

Oh, shit!

As he gets closer, I notice he doesn't look angry, so I'm pretty sure he didn't hear anything. That, or he's at least pretending he didn't while we're in public, and he has a plan to kill me later in the privacy of our apartment. He stops in front of us, and I swallow the huge lump sitting in my throat.

He nods my way. "Hey, food just got dropped off. You guys about done here?" He looks from me to Taylor.

She smiles and pats my shoulder. "Yeah, we're all done. Go on, enjoy your food. I'll catch you guys later." She waves and heads outside, telling the others goodbye as she passes the table.

After she leaves, Liam looks at me. "Everything good? You looked a little pale when I walked over."

Alright, Chase, just play it cool.

"Yeah, man. All good, just had to iron out a couple AthletaWear details. Let's go eat!"

He nods and leads us back to the table. I really need to figure out how to tell him. It sucks keeping something this monumental from my best friend, but my sense of self-preservation is winning the internal battle I'm having with myself on the issue.

Soon, we'll tell him soon.

The second I think the words, I know it's a lie.    

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