Chapter 3 | Heartless

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No Ziah, you have two more files to complete don't sleep. I give my self some moral support but adjust the pillows behind my back while laying on the couch.

Advantages of cousin being the boss. Well, normally Ziyan won't let me be so casual on work but today I don't know how he is leaving me to lie on the couch while reading the files as if it is some story book.

I rub my eyes concentrating on words which are jumbling in my mind, but I force myself to read it again and understand it clearly but I was really not able to handle the sleep so I let the file fall on my face and I drift off too my Disney dream land, where my Prince Charming is rushing towards me in his white horse. Beautiful.

An hour later

Someone tapping my arm, breaks my dream were I was about to fall in his arms and he was about lean closer to that sweet deed, It was all beautiful.

"Ziah" I throw my leg telling my devil mother in-law to get lost who is ruining our sweet moment "what is it?" I mumble forcing myself to bring the dream which is slipping away from my mind because of this ugly voice.

"What is it?!" I sit up angrily feeling so upset at the person who just now ruined my soft moment with my prince charming.

"God I was having such a nice dream! What do you want now?" I spat angrily but rub my swollen eyes "Ms Ziah, you are at work, you can think about your prince charming kissing you later and now within 20 minutes if you don't come to my desk with the work I assigned you completed, your salary of a day will be deducted" he spats on my face and I am fully awake now after hearing him.

"20 minutes? You can't be serious, I still have 2 files to read" I pout looking up at the guy who is standing with his hands tucked in his pocket "you're wasting your time Ms. Ziah" he walks away as if he did not just blackmailed me on deducting my salary.

Who said he is a gentleman? I did not! He is not at all a gentleman! He is a rough man! What is the opposite of gentleman? I don't know but that is he!

"Your wasting your time Ms Ziah, jerk!" I calm myself before proceeding on setting up the papers in order and that's how my 20 minutes gets wasted only by settling the papers.

"Come here Ziah" on time as if he has kept the Alarm he calls for me "Two minutes please!" I feel the pressure of writing Board exam now.

When he does not reply, I stand up and take a look at the marketing rate, which I am sure he will ask and the years in which we were profited and quickly I flip the page to remember the year when the company was going through a great loss and that was when Uncle died.

Because of not giving attention to the company, it was on the edge of getting bankrupt but Ziyan saved it by working day and night and that's when I started seeing changes in him and that happen three years ago.

"Ziah, I called you" I quickly rush towards him but a gasp leaves my lips when I stumble forward because my Abaya thought it is a right time to ditch me.

"Ya Allah" I hold my heart and the papers closer to my chest but see Ziyan shaking his head at my utter nonsense.

I stomp the ground for embarrassing me before rushing towards him "here" I place the paper infront of him as I stand by his side, smiling widely, proud that I have completely what is said and I have already planned that I will answer the first two questions which for sure will be from the first few files and then ditch him by saying I am tired. That's a full-proof plan I have.

Matters of The HeartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ