Chapter 26 | Memories

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I stop myself from groaning in satisfaction when Ziah gives my scalp a gentle massage which is taking me to heaven.

I hum snuggling closer in her lap but hear her giggling quietly.

Ziah is sitting on the bed with my head on her lap while she is telling me some story which is not registering in my mine because I am too tired to think about anything and my mind is not functioning because of tiredness.

I hum to whatever she say, even though I don't know what she is talking about just so she think I am listening to her.

She is talking as usual alot, but I don't know why I find some difference, her face looks paler than usual and she is stuttering on her words alot which is something I find it odd.

"Ziyan when will we go out together on a trip?" She pats my cheeks as she questions me "soon Ziah" I mutter under my breathe feeling like I'll pass out because of the sleep I am feeling.

"Okay" she giggles excitedly and I unknowingly smile hearing her being happy over little things. Even though I didn't tell her the exact date she is still happy and that is something I love about her.

"Ziyan, I don't know why my hands and legs feel weak today" she mumbles quietly and my eyes automatically opens at that and I lift my head up to see her "why didn't you say me that before?" I give her good glare before sitting up and moving towards the pillow so I am not laying on her lap but beside her.

"I-I never felt like that before so I was hesitant in telling you" she mumbles but I pull her closer so she is resting her head on my chest.

"It's okay, I guess your tired because of the whole drama you have to go through today" I cup her jaw while I gently caress her cheekbone which looks pretty bad now.

A low hiss leaves her lips and she quickly holds my wrist to not touch it "It hurts" she whispers quietly and that was enough to make me feel like shit.

Knowing she is a person who loves to sleep with her legs and arms thrown on each side I should have left her at home instead of asking her to stay in the office.

"I am sorry" I mumbles before press a loving kiss on her forehead, my hand gently slides down to cup his waist before pulling her closer I caress her bare skin where my hand sneaked discreetly.

"We will go see the doctor, later okay?" I tell her and she hums before snuggling closer.

The fact that she did not deny tells me she is actually in pain and it's not something she is able to bare.

"Do you want me to take you to the doctor now?" My words coming out in a whisper as we are way to close, with a gentle smile she shakes her head.

"We will sleep and then we can go, I feel like my legs will give up even while laying down" she mutters quietly as she snuggles closer, Humming in response I was about to close my eyes when my phone rings.

Muttering quiet apology, I groan as I take my phone, my eyebrows furrow up when I see Eric's name popping on my screen.

Sitting up a little I attend the call but I quickly flash a small smile to Ziah who looks confused.

"Hey bro, is Ziah with you? Where is she? How is she?" Just when I attended the call he bombarded me with questions confusing me, The way he worriedly questions me without missing a beat confuses me as to what he is worried about.

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