Chapter 8 | Upset

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Throwing my bag on Zach's chair I flop on mine feeling tired even after taking the elevator, there are hardly 4 to 5 people in my department. I am sure most of them are just roaming around and at correct 9 they will be in like as if this is a classroom.

Throwing away all the no sense thoughts I concentrate on the piles of files in front me. I can't go empty hand to his office and get third degree insult by myself. I have to do something.

So with all concentration I take notes which looks quite easy.

"Oh my Goodness! Am I hallucinating or is that really you?" Zach face comes in view after 20 minutes straight on work.

Letting out a deep breathe of tiredness I rest back with a smile "Hi" I give him a smile and he nods looking perfect, handsome and cleanly dressed like always as he takes a seat beside me.

"How come this sleeping beauty opened her eyes early today? That sounds impossible to me" he taps his index finger on his chin thinking.

"I always wake up early so shutup" fishing inside my handbag I take two lollipops throwing one at Zach, I start opening mine.

He does not keep quiet but grabs the work I did and starts checking it out "Its 87% right? The designing one? Why have you written 78?" I look up when he points out some mistakes, clicking my tongue in annoyance over myself I quickly grab a pencil and scoot closer.

"Thankyou smart boy" I grin giving him my pencil and he quickly takes it and corrects my mistake.

"Hello Ziah" a deep shy voice comes from behind and I look at Zach annoyed knowing who it is, and he presses his lips together not to laugh at my pissed out face and I force myself to smile before turning to face the owner of the voice.

"Hey" I move a little back when I find him standing closer than he should. "I came yesterday to see you and talk to you but you were not there"he tells me with some disappointment in his eyes "She was with our boss yesterday" Zach speaks with a smug smile and I laugh awkwardly smacking his arm for interrupting me but I do not fail to see the way Mateo's jaw clenches and he fists his hand.

"Why are you always with him? Is he disturbing you? Did he touch you somewhere? Tell me did that piece of shit did something to you I'll kill him and rot him if he did something to you—" I quickly cut him off with a glare "bro calm your horses down, why are you getting so hyped up, he is not like someone your portraying in your mind, he is a very nice guy so please" I don't know why I am defending Ziyan here but the way he just now said he will kill him, burned me up. How dare he? I will kill him in many different ways he can ever think off before he does something to Ziyan.

"I-I am sorry don't get upset I was just trying to protect you" he acts all guilty now holding the arm of my chair and pulling me closer.

I don't like this guy sometimes for being so annoying, first he was very sweet, he used to come smile and ask about how I am doing and then he would say how I am the only friend he has in this whole building and as days passed he became annoying by asking me out multiple times even after politely declining the offer.

He is a sweet guy but sometimes I don't know what happens to him.

I have even saw him glaring at Zach every time he comes here. Even Zach has noticed that and I know he does not like this guy even a bit.

"It's okay" I give him a smile he smiles asks about how I am like always but finally takes a leaves. He drops a chocolate bar on my table "a man came and gave this with this letter" he drops a letter with a shy smile.

"Thankyou" I tell him waiting for him to leave "I'll go now, we can meet later" when I give him a nod he smiles and rushes out.

"God he is so cute annoying" with a huff I rest back on the comfortable chair, Zach laughs nodding but picks up the chocolate and unwraps it to eat.

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