Chapter 13 | Engagement

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He is wearing a simple blood red kurta that comes under the family of Maroon with white tight pants and even if its very simple it looks simply amazing on him that I feel insecurity building up inside me to even stand beside him—but I remember the Love yourself chant seven boys from the other part of the world has filled in my mind and I smile at myself, love yourself Ziah, you are beautiful babe.

I take a peek to see if he has turned but see him still staring—O my allah this is so embarrassing, he and his obsession with staring. My hands are itching to hold my hot cheeks but I go against it.

I gulp the lump formed in my throat but I follow Mamma. "Never thought my eyes will ever witness a shy Ziah" Fuzail who is walking towards me speaks with a grin. "Same here bro" I grin back feeling happy that he came.

"Today your shocking me alot, first my heart stopped for a second when I heard your getting married to Ziyan like Zi Yan, the one who you have labelled as your enemy and then you are shy taking peeks at your soon to be husband woah woah woah I need to drink some energy drinks to handle this" he speaks with wide eyes and with his hand on his chest telling me he still can't get over it and I only laugh at his stupidness.

"Things which we never expect would take place in our life happens in everyone's life at some point of time Fuz" He smiles at my words nodding "That's true my little girl—" I quickly stop him when he was about to ruffle my hair a very bad habit of his and Ziyan's "No no no, hafsa will kill you if you ruin it and I will too if I look ugly in pictures because you" I warn him and he quickly backs away with an 'okay okay'

And I take a hold of his hand "let's go bud" with a nod he takes me towards the seated Ziyan who looks bored already.

"Here comes you bride" I take a seat beside him with red cheeks feeling all the butterflies dancing and who are having a mini karaoke inside my stomach. Enjoy enjoy it's your day.

Soon they call fuzail and he leaves us by telling he will come back soon and now I am seated beside him infront of so many women's and mens who are all uncles from my mother and father side—she said she will call only close relatives but I can also see our neighbours mother's daughter's daughter running from here to there.

I take a peek at Ziyan who is having a calm expression as he looks at his shining shoes, I so want to compliment him but shouldn't he be the one doing that first? What if we change the rules? It won't hurt anyone right? Oh yeah my ego will feel some hurt.

"How do I look?" I question him so he compliments me first and then I can do it so nobody gets hurt "hmm?" Ziyan looks surprised by my questions as he stares at me with his grey orbs in silence but that silence tells many things and I can only feel positivity in that silence "Beautiful, you look beautiful, This color suits you" he gives me soft smile and I bite my lips to hide my grin.

"Thankyou! you know you don't look that bad yourself, No you look handsome, dashingly beautiful and damn dude why don't you wear these type of kurtas on daily basis? Wear these and go to your important meetings I am telling you they will accept your proposal without listening to your presentation" I pat his arm with a bright smile on my face but he bends his head to chuckle.

"If I wore them everyday what is the use of wearing it today, some things should be done only on special occasions only then you will receive such big compliments, if I wore them daily I wouldn't have heard your sweet words" He calmly explain and I look at him with eyes nodding at his words, that's true.

"You sometime speaks logically, I like that" I pat his back like an old grandpa while nodding and he again chuckles with his head low. "Haniya, I know your child is getting married with her cousin but that doesn't mean she can be so friendly and freely with, see the way she is sitting so close and talking to him as if they are already married, kids nowadays can really cross their limits if we give them some freedom, you sure it's an arranged marriage?"  I froze on my place when I hear thar unknown voice complaining to my mother with real disgust in her tone but she laughs at the end to not make it look like she complaining and she is talking so loudly that we can clearly hear her.

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