Chapter 7 | Amusing

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"Okay Ziah and Naim you did not have your dinner so get up, you guys continue your bickering in the hall" Ziyan throws my leg away carelessly which makes me hold the bed sheet tightly so I do not fall from the way I stumbled. Rude beach he is.

When he sees me still seated with a sigh he pats my arm and pulls me up ignoring my whine. He pushes me aside and grabs the blanket to cover aunty.

"I am sleeping with aunty" I tell him which makes him look over his shoulder, after a stare he hums nodding.

"Ofcourse darling first go eat" she gives me a very soft smile and I nod before throwing my arm over Naims shoulder, who grins and rests his head on my waist since he is a little tiny cutie pie.

Naim was adopted when he was month's old because his stupid useless parents who were are relatives abandoned this beautiful soul and left to stay in abroad, I am not sure were they went.

And that was when Saif was only three years old so Uncle came to a decision that he will take him and I am not sure if Naim is aware about this, I guess he is not, even though he is10 he is still unaware about this truth which no one is planning on telling him any time soon.

But one day he will know and I hope his reaction is not hurtful.

"I am hungry!" Naim jumps on the seat on the Kitchen counter as I do the same. We see Ziyan walking towards us with a bag of our ordered food and I can already smell delicious meal inside.

"Ziya we can watch a movie and eat ice cream and—" Naim starts pronouncing my name wrongly since his birth so I do not try to correct him again but someone interrupts his plan.

"You have school tomorrow Naim. After eating your going straight to bed" he whines loudly swinging his legs up and down at his brothers words which sounds bitter to any kids ears.

"No! I'll take a leave tomorrow please bro please" he asks so cutely that if I was in Ziyan's place I would have quickly nodded and would have given a month leave if he promises me that he will show me this cute puppy face everyday.

I wonder why Saif can't be this cute. I am sure he is sleeping with his body wide spread on my bed cause it is bigger than his bed and he only needs an excuse to jump on my bed.

Ziyan shakes his head acting like a tough greedy politician who ignores people's protest.

"A No is a No Naim" he drops a plate in front of me and a silent Naim and I clear my throat to speak "It's okay bud we can have a fun night later, I will come for you this Saturday? How does that sound?" His eyes lits up hearing me and that toothy gummy grin he gives me is all I ask for.

He is lovely.

"Really?" When I give a bright nod he grins more happily and digs in his food but I see Ziyan grabbing a cup to I guess make coffee or tea for himself so I do not disturb him but fill my empty stomach.

We eat in a comfortable silence and mostly Naim is the one who talks about his friends and his little gang who always have fun, I hear to everything he say interestingly, finding some incidents funny. But my mind forces myself to take a peek at Ziyan who is walking towards us looking a little phased out.

A sigh escapes Ziyan's lips as he takes a seat with us, I can clearly see his tired features and dull sleepy eyes but still he is sipping on caffeine here.

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