Chapter 6 | Protective

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"Hey" a soft touch on my arm and little shake makes me flinch back and snap my eyes open "were you asleep?" I quickly shake my head standing on my feet to check him and to make sure with my eyes, if he is not bruised or if they hit him because even though they didn't had muscle they looked dangerous.

"I am fine" he takes my trembling hands in his while answering my unquestioned answer. "Let's get out hmm?" I quickly shake my head before cornering myself near the table as I blink away my tears. I don't want to go out, what if they get angry and come again? No no I am not going out.

Ziyan takes a steps forward seeing my flinched and trembling figure, "Why are you scared Ziah? There is nothing to be scared off, you are safe, completely safe. You are my strongest girl right? And strong girls don't cry" I angrily wipe my tears looking down at his shoes not even able to look at him, if I was in another situation I would have laughed from the way he is consoling me as if I'm a small kid but every word he is saying is only calming me down now.

"Since they have scared you, do you want to go kick, slap or punch them like a superwoman you are" a chuckle leaves my lips when he gives my stomach a light punch, I shake my head not having the guts to go look at them "hmm okay as you wish, but now come give me a hug" he open his arm asking me to give him something which is the only thing a human needs when they have lot's of things going in their mind—A hug.

Without any hesitation I move forward to squeeze him in my arms "Thank you thank-you so much" I mumble against his chest but hear his breathe shuddering and when I look up I see his eyes glistening but he gives me a soft smile "you don't have to thank me, a smile is what I want to see on your face and not these stupid tears hmm?" He gives me a soft smile warming my heart with his words.

"Now let's go out and how does an ice cream sound at this hour?" He squints his eyes looking down at me "tasty" I mumble grinning when he chuckles nodding.

He smiled....he chuckled...I am not overreacting. I am not admiring his smile, it's not me.

He pulls me forward by my hand and holds my hand securely in his big rough yet protective ones, I follow him but with my eyes low, didn't want to see any faces of those ugly men.

We walk to were Ziyan is leading us and I squeeze his hand unknowingly when I hear many voice followed by groans and apologies of mens in which I can clearly recognise the voice of the early men who was talking all filthy things, the voices echos from the receptionist area where Ziyan must've taught them a good lesson.

But he leads me to the back side of the building and I feel so much revealed knowing I won't be passing by them and their eyes wont linger on me.

When we reach the back side which leads to the parking lot a man rushes towards us, quickly handling Ziyan his car keys and I move behind to be hidden behind his back cause for some reason I was feeling very uncomfortable to even come in view.

Ziyan mutters a small thankyou before he pulls me towards his parked car and opens the door so I could sit.

A very gentleman behaviour.

After saying something to the man that handed him his keys, he hops in and starts driving at a good relaxing speed. Which is above mine he crosses the 50 which I have never crossed.

And talking about speed—my bike!

"Wait!" I pat Ziyan's thigh in a hurry so he stops the car in a dramatic way with a loud swift as the car goes sliding to the corner and wind blows at the high swift stop and soon takes a u-turn so my scooter is not abandoned by me even though he was the one who said 'I don't love you, let's break up, first' but nothing happens he normally drives in his calm speed and turns to look at me with a raised eyebrow as if I did not just yelled a dramatic loud 'wait'

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