Chapter 5 | Scared

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Licking my lips to hide my smile which is forming when I see her excited face, I turn towards her with my hands tucked inside my pocket.

"Hey hey laugh again for me please" she literally pulls my arm in her hand and swings it from one side to another while poking my arm with a creepy smile playing on her lips so I do as she is requesting. A very childish act to be said but a cute one and that cuteness cannot be ignored well, at least my eyes are not able to ignore it.

"You are well aware that you look like a creep right?" I question her and she reacts faster than I thought by throwing my hand away with a disappointment filled pout.

"I am just dying to see your smile and laugh, which you forgot how to do" she tells me something which I do not think is true, but the fact that she is acting like a greedy girl without hiding it makes me feel special.

I agree that I am not as same as I was before. Well, people change...for good, I guess. But that doesn't mean they are going through some kind of trauma as my little cousin thinks which can clearly be seen with her words and actions.

I do not act the same with her like I used to do before, that was when we were kid, and we change as we grow up. I know she hates me for not sharing everything with her and not sitting with her and having a little chit chat because I am always busy with work but that doesn't change the fact that I still enjoy her company as I did before.

She is fun to be it only at times but mostly I find her annoying.

I know she thinks after my dad's death and mamma's health which is worsening as days are passing by, I have changed but thats not true. I just don't feel like talking much now a days and opening up is something I find it very difficult.

She is totally different because she is and was just like this since she was a kid, she keeps nothing in her mouth, she starts searching for someone to blabber up everything and then sits happily, she is the biggest crack head I have ever seen and I know she is very bold but is too scared to bring her boldness out and that is the only reason I am letting her do this presentation by her own self even though I am planning on helping her as much as I can but indirectly so she does give all the credits to me or others which is the only thing she does when someone gives her any kind of idea.

I look up when I see her stomping towards the couch angrily "Now what's wrong with you?" She does not reply but sits on the far corner of the couch quietly while looking at her bruised elbow.

A sigh escapes my lips as I drag my legs to the sulking girl "Ziah, I am talking to you" it comes out as a growl in irritation rather than a calm tone which I always use on her.

"Who asked you to talk? Go back to your survival for living, your work and ignore me like you always do" her eyes clearly shows that she hates me at the moment and I don't understand what the hell I did.

"Your unbelievable" I shake my head not feeling like pampering this sulking girl because that should be the least of my concern so I turn to walk away but hear her gasping in a 'are you serious' tone but I do not turn back to look at her.

My office is not a mansion it is big but not as big as I cannot hear loud mumbles when there is pin drop silence and that's how I hear Ziah cursing me to better die than live in anger but quickly apologising to Allah and taking it back what she just said by slapping her face and repeating Astaghfirullah multiple time, so I do not die I guess as she just requested few seconds ago to Allah.

I said you she is unbelievable.

Shaking my head I go back to do my work but first I take down the paper work which I will be handling it to Ziah when she leaves since it has all the information which she will be needing for the presentation.

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