22. Kidnapping Of Kimchi Dehung

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"I'm about to get my hands dirty." I cracked my knuckles.

"Chill woman, the target isn't going anywhere." Jin whistled holding a clueless Jungkook by his hand. All of the customers who were going out of the  were giving him dirty glances but Jin failed to notice that and instead, he winked at a few and blew kisses.

Currently, we were sitting inside a Café which just happens to be the place of my last job; Sweet Enchantment.

We were at the most last seat of the coffee shop wearing sunglasses and bucket hats, except Jin, he decided to go full pink today. So it was just two people wearing black glasses and a dark coat while a man sitting in the middle wearing stripped pink glasses and pink blazer with a white shirt underneath.

Yup, we were looking hideous and eye-catching but that dumbass somehow didn't notice us which was good. I adjusted my binoculars and saw him peacefully eating a cheesecake.

The lion, the witch and the audacity of the good-for-nothing bitch.

I aggressively sipped my Latte but it burnt my tongue, "Ow ow!"

Jungkook was the first one to react so he quickly pushed his carton of banana milk towards me and gestured to drink it through the straw. I was reluctant in the beginning but I gave in and took a small sip from the box. A pair of eyes was observing me intently so that I don't drink up the whole thing. Feeling uncomfortable, I pushed the carton back to his side and I watched his lips twisting in a smile although my tongue hurt like hell.

"You kissed." Jin stated.

I choked on my water, "W-what?"

He pulled his glasses on his nose bridge, "You used his straw meaning that you guys indirectly kissed."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Jungkook popping his lips off the straw. He looked outside towards the boring scenic city while awkwardness consumed the whole table. Jin being Jin, was enjoying our misery, sadistic potato.

I drove my attention back at Taehyung only to find no one. "Where did he go?" Jungkook pointed towards the door and we heard a light ding going and saw the man exiting the Café. We three quickly swiveled our heads to the other side and allowed the shadow to pass through. The cashier and the waitress who was cleaning the table were now looking at us with concern as Jin paid for our stuff and we gingerly headed out.

That was embarrassing.

Although taking small steps, we were still catching up with Mr. Long Legs somehow. Jungkook kept stopping in between to look at the food displayed in the glass at some of the shops and it was extremely hard for us to drag him from the Iron Man action figurines.

Taehyung entered a supermarket and we did too. All of the people who were inside were looking at us strangely because it was a hot day and 66% of a trio was wearing black plus the rest 33% was doubled up in hot pink.

Taehyung picked a few vegetables and meat and it was very disturbing at how Jungkook would stop by to smell in the meat section like...it's disgusting.

We followed Taehyung to the billing counter and Jungkook was holding a chewing gum and Jin had a bag full of apples, I just grabbed two containers of Cup Noodles. The people behind us were giving us (especially the Bunny Boy) looks which I didn't really prefer so I grabbed Jungkook from the behind and kept him in the front.

The doe-eyed man was startled at first when he came face to face with the cashier but he slowly placed the pack of chewing gum on the slide before Jin dumped the bag and it  mercilessly squished the gum.

I paid for it and we quickly tailed Taehyung who was heading back to the apartment. He wasn't the slightest aware that there was an idiotic group of three doing a terrible job at stalking him. He was in his own world with the headphones glued on his ears, not literally.

But it's okay because this is where our plan comes into action.

I gestured Jungkook and Jin to go to parallel alleys just in front of Taehyung and silently shouted at them to move fast as the oblivious man was inching closer and closer.

Jungkook clasped one end of the rope and Jin the other and they both ran towards the openings of the narrow alleys in front of each other. Taehyung was scrolling through his phone when Jin signalled his hand down and the rope straightened.

I was behind them the whole time holding a masking tape and a big bag for purposes. Taehyung tumbled over the rope and I hurried over to him and sticked a massive piece of the tape over his mouth and didn't give him the time to process anything. When he realised what was happening, he tried shouting but it sounded muffled against the barrier on his mouth.

Jin was tightly holding his hands to avoid him escaping but the man was squirming too much for my liking. If not done something then our plan would fail and luckily, Jungkook came to our aid.

He kneeled down to match the terrified gazes of Taehyung who became still for a second before screaming his vocal chords out. Jungkook tilted his head in annoyance so he flicked Taehyung's head and I could tell that the impact was hard because Taehyung went serene.

He fainted.

Jin quickly stuffed him in the jute bag and made a run for the house. We legit kidnapped someone in broad daylight and no one noticed. Or maybe did, I dunno.

Me and Jungkook walked slowly towards the apartment and saw a struggling Jin against the elevator.

"Hyung don't take the elevator, it has cameras!"

Smart kid.

Jin scowled, "I ain't dragging this breathing corpse six floors up."

"I have cold." I backed out too and Jungkook sighed, "Alrighty, let's get these babies working." He flexed his biceps before throwing the bag over his shoulders and casually walking up the stairs. Thankfully it's Saturday so not a soul was seen in the lobby.

I carefully avoided making any kind of sound to seem suspicious, Yoongi was inside the house and judging from the extra pair of shoe, Jimin was in there too. I wasn't worried about Yoongi finding out because he sleeps like dead but Jimin's ears are sensitive and we can't risk anything.

I inserted the key in the hole and gradually turned the knob. Jungkook was getting impatient so he brushed past me and slumped the body on the couch before dusting his hands with a proud smile in his face.

What is he getting so worked up for?

I closed the door back but not before checking if someone was in the hallway. The apartment is mostly deserted so only me and Jimin and Taehyung live on the sixth floor. Also the reason the rent is cheap but nothing that is affordable every month. Yoongi sometimes dropped by to watch over his 'kids' as he claims them to be and always ended up staying for a whole month here.

I turned back at the two faces of anticipation and I grinned, "Coast is clear."

And there goes his bunny smile.

✧ :゚・*°•»------🍼------«•°*・゚: ✧

-A/N : Kidnapping in daylight? C'mon how fictional I can get lmao

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A/N : Kidnapping in daylight? C'mon how fictional I can get lmao

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