56. Betrayal Is Common Here Buddy

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Never in his life he had thought that he would be juggled from here to there. What he felt like was his forever, really was a temporary place. He never had a permanent place anywhere, it was like as if he was toy in a kindergarten; where toys are tossed away after one kid had it enough and other catches it.

When Yeonhee signed off the deal, he felt thorns prickling his throat. His nose was burning and his vision was a blurry mess. He couldn't do anything, he was tied down and his gradual hatred was drowning him in. He felt suffocated, frustrated, and hurt.

Some of the melodramatic movies he watched were right, love is not forever. Be it a platonic or romantic.

He was just a thing to trade, a thing to exchange with.

He would always be a second choice.

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"Yes it's me, surprised are we?"

"How could you? I trusted you! How could you break it off like that?!" She screamed at him and resisted the bondage that tied her down.

"You trust too easily. It was so easy for me execute the plan. Had you been a little suspicious, you wouldn't be here." He swept the hair strands to the other side and his face broke into the warmest of smiles.

"It's sickening to even think that you— you out of all the people in the world, had to demolish the long years of trust between us. It's inhumane and you should know that!" She yelled at him but he wasn't even dazed with it. She was too blinded by rage, and people don't make good decisions when they are wearing a blindfold of anger.

"You should've been vigilant, I'm utterly disappointment." He chuckled lightly.

"You didn't do the right thing, Seokjin." She narrowed her eyes as the flames of hatred were lapping around her figure.

"Oh, so I'm Seokjin now? Fair enough," He still had the audacity to smile after all of this.

"Why did you do this? I thought we were best friends? What drove you turn your table like that?" She asked as her nails scratch against the fabric of her dress in sheer frustration, "I should have seen it coming."

"You should've have. Psychology says that a person changes for two reasons, either that their minds have been opened or their hearts have been broken." He drummed his fingers on the chair as his gaze on her stayed stationary.

"So, which one are you?" She spoke after some time, the deafening silence engulfing them up.

"Former." Seokjin answered shortly.

She didn't miss the conflict of emotions in his demeanor. What amusement was glazed all over, now laid resentment. As much as she was outraged by the betrayal, she didn't wanted to let her anger get a hold of her in this sticky situation. What she needs is a calm and collected mind, and patience.

But unfortunately, she couldn't grasp onto those virtues as fury had already taken a toll over her.

It was just a mere infatuation over someone looking so godly. Just an attraction, nothing much.

Or so she thought.

She didn't know that the emotions have developed strongly without her even realising them. What was a platonic relationship, had feelings involved in it and she didn't know if it was reciprocated or not. She might be a fool to develop feelings for someone she practically sort of raised, but feelings are feelings right?

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