51. Pots And Pans And Knives And...Butter Stick?

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"Got it." Jimin hit a saucepan above his head with a metal spoon.


"Here!" Jimin banged the two pans together.


"Yeah, they're here!" Jimin twirled the butter knives on his fingers.

"Butter stick?"

"What?" Jimin squeaked causing Yeonhee to look up from her list and stare at him in a chiding manner.

"I said: Butter stick." She repeated once again but the same perplexed expression remained on his features.

"Why do we need butter?" Jimin queried when Yeonhee opened her fridge and took out the half consumed butter stick from her fridge.

"Cuz' silly, we need something slippery for an escape and also I like butter." She mused picking up her list again.

Jimin cracked an eyebrow up and ogled at the girl who was skimming through all the items present on the list, "Won't oil be a better choice?"

She stopped reading, "Yeah, but butter is more slippery."

"That doesn't even make sens-"

"Shh, I'm tryna' focus here." She placed her index finger on his plump lips to shut him up. Jimin just tsk'ed and tore his gaze away from the girl who was now scrambling all over the kitchen to tick the things off the list.

"Come down to Taehyung when you're over raiding your kitchen." Jimin left the apartment banging the pot over his head with a spoon like a noisy and annoying person he was.

"It isn't raiding! It's called finding you dipshit stale cheese!" She screamed after him but he already left the house.

"Damn you shorty," She cursed even when she knew that he was taller than her.

✧ :゚・*°•»------🍷------«•°*・゚: ✧

"...ake it sure she doesn't leave her house."

The man hummed in agreement and hung up the phone. A man wearing a rabbit mask came into the view and took the phone that was handed out to him. He bowed and then left the scene.

A ray of light sunlight entered through the ceiling which had a mini aquarium fitted in there. It shone on his pale skin and on the leather outfit he wore. The black attire he had acquired

A ring tore through the defeaning silence and came in the Rabbit holding out the beeping phone to its owner. The man looked at the caller ID and smiled.


"That's how you greet your seniors?! I'm two years older than you and the chief executive of the organisation!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Where are you, anyways? You should've been here till now." The man turned his wrist to glance at his watch.

"I-err, I am stuck here and won't be able to make it but I'll try if breaking a window works."

The man chuckled, "You're on the sixth floor, right? How will you manage? The only thing you'll get is by damaging your bones."

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