54. Flesh To Flesh

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"Are they here yet?" A man adjusted the sleeves of his black bazer while gazing on the mirror at his reflection in satisfaction. A smile creeped onto his lips as he winked at himself. A fox mask laid untouched on a small circular table nearby.

"Yes, sir." A man bowed down in response.

"Do the guests are well taken care of?"

"Yes, sir." The man answered, his voice deprived of any emotions.

"Ain't I the best?" He swiped his hands over his hair, pushing strands back as he adjusted his tie.

"Most certainly, sir."

"Then I guess, we are ready to greet them." A lazy smirk curved on his features as he left the dressing room with long and confident strides with the man following closely behind.

✧ :゚・*°•»------🍷------«•°*・゚: ✧


Jimin rushed to his side and held his head up on his lap. He fanned him and muttered some words like "wake up" and "Taehyung". But she turned deaf ear to all of them, the only thing that rose in her mind was: how did he get here?

Even they took ages to find this place but somehow he reached here before they did and that too alone. There was only a one way to enter the room so how did he make it? The reasonable thing that she can think of was that he might've crossed them unknowingly in the dark room.

But her assumptions had it's holes.

They would know if a person passed by them and they would hear a sound of closing a door but another question arises now. How and why did he faint?

Jimin's panicked voice brought her back from her thoughts to which she didn't knew the answers of. Seeing his worry etched face, she realised that the situation was indeed serious.

"Do we have water with us?" He asked as he was lightly slapping Taehyung's cheeks.

"Yeah we do."

"Then give me fast!" He handed out his hand towards her and she obeyed giving him the only source of water thay had on board.

Jimin poured a little water in the cup of his hand and sprinkled it on Taehyung's face. The latter stirred in his posture and his eyelids crinkled. His lips curved down and his eyebrows rolled downwards as he finally fluttered his eyes open.

He took in his surroundings and finally realisation clicked into his brain.

"Jimin? Yeonhee?" His voice was croaked out to them causing Jimin's lips to be tugged upwards.

"Yeah it's us! How do you feel now?" He helped Taehyung up as his hands were clasped tightly around his head.

"Still dizzy." His answer was short but it opened numerous possibilities about what could've happened to him.

"Do you remember, what happened?" Yeonhee's curious gaze piqued out. She didn't wanted to pressure him into answering her but the feeling of something being wrong kept bugging her.

"I-I, I remember following you guys then everything after is just...blank." He uttered out pinching his nose bridge. "I don't remember anything after that. The area was dark making it more harder to remember the series of events following after.

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